"You have to take it as it happens, but you should try to 
make it happen the way you want to take it."
--German proverb


tiny pleasure:


"You cannot be friends upon any other terms than upon the 
terms of equality."
--Woodrow Wilson


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)












June 28, 2000


   Heh!  So much for my vow of writing every day.  i'm glad i didn't tell anybody before now.  Life just keeps happening ... and i'm not complaining.

     i am still suffering from ability anxiety though.  i haven't even looked at the two "how-to" books i borrowed from the library, on writing, and reading those almost always puts me back into the right frame of mind.  But i am hoping this feeling is just a temporary thing and i'll be back in the swing of things again, soon!

     my daughter may be visiting again next week.  That always puts me in a good frame of mind.  And if all goes well, i'll have the double treat of Master's daughter visiting with us as well.    

     We went out to a fet party last night.  A friend of ours was celebrating a birthday, which meant that some people i haven't seen in awhile made a special effort to go out.  i enjoyed the chance to catch up with them and their bits of offered news.   

     i've always enjoyed "people watching", and going to one of these functions is like eye-candy for me.  i have to be careful not to be blatantly obvious that i'm staring.  But the clothes!  Okay, and the outrageousness of some of the people too.  i just cant help staring.  Picking out things i like, marveling at the nerve some people have, watching the dancers strutting their stuff.  Grinning at the gnome-like man half buried under a stage platform with only his upper body exposed, getting the best view of the feet he obviously desires.  (Later in the evening he was treated by being allowed to fondle and lick Miss R's lovely feet.  Miss R has wicked nipple pinching fingers by the way!)

     Master decided to use the spanking bench this time.  i'd gone to the washroom, and upon my return to our table, noticed He wasn't sitting there.  The others nearby said "pay attention j, where's your Master?"  i looked in the direction they were nodding to, and there He was, up on the stage where the bench always rests, His arms crossed and that "look" in His eye.  i knew exactly where i was supposed to be.

     The usual deliciousness ensued.  i was a bit short in the leg for the bench, so had to slide my pelvic bone just slightly off-edge.  The advantage for Master however, was better access to the more tender parts of me. (wince!)  And believe me, more than once, i jumped.  Again i noticed that He's using more stingy things with me lately, and i think He also used a rope flogger with knotted strands, that we made a short while ago.  At least that's the toy i chose to curse at during one particularly sensitive moment.

     i love when He brings His head down close to mine.  And on the bench, it somehow seemed more intimate, more like how we are when scening in bed.   He got in close, and i raised my head to nuzzle against His cheek, one time risking a slight nibble to His ear.   If i could have stretched the restraints to get closer, i would have.  Another time, He was behind me, pressing against my butt, and i was pushing back.  The music was very loud, so i doubt He heard some of my moans, but i just couldn't keep them in.  It was all so incredibly sensual for me.

     A few other nice things about the bench was the fact that my hands didn't feel numb (like on the cross) and i didn't have to "get down" after the scene was over.  i was already lying in a safe position to float away in.  When i did come back enough to be moved, He held me close, kissing me and then wrapping me in His leather vest.  Safe and protected and loved.  i kept the vest on for the rest of the night, enjoying the fact that its large size makes me feel like an underdressed orphan.   The ankle and wrist cuffs were left on me as well, the wrist ones latched together to restrict my movements.  They remained that way until we got home.

     i'm always amazed at the energy i seem to have after a scene.  i'm lethargic while i float, but then once some of that has passed, it feels like i'm on a high.  Yet, once we did come home and snuggle into bed, sleep came very quickly.  

     And today, i'm just nicely calm.



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