"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up 
with the rain."

--Dolly Parton


tiny pleasure:

finding a quote that seems to apply to something currently happening in my life (see above)

"Little drops of water, little grains of sand
Make the mighty 
ocean, and the pleasant land."

--Julia Carney


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)












July 6, 2000


   i'm still here; still alive.  Just so busy lately that writing has been impossible to get to.  And the few spare moments i had, my mind has felt numb.  Like there is nothing to say.  

     Is it normal to go through this slump?

     However!  i did get one project nearly completed.  So completed in fact, that i'm willing to share the url finally.  

     www.domsview.com is an ezine for and about Dominants, officially titled "The Dominant's View".  For the longest time, i've noticed that there is a plethora of information on the web about submissives, and about D/s and BDSM in general, but (to date anyway) i've never found anything that was specifically for dom/mes only.  And more specifically, for beginner dom/mes.  So, i decided to try my hand at creating something.  If you go to that address, you'll see the results in progress.  i'm still not convinced i like the design, but i'm certainly pleased with the articles and the responses i've received so far!

     What a learning curve however!  i hadn't a clue what i was doing, and the list of things i am discovering needs to be done to maintain an online 'zine is still growing.  But that's okay.  i'm dreadful when i'm bored and have nothing to learn or do anyway.

     And i'm also surprised at the fact that most people have NOT questioned the idea that a submissive is creating a Dominant's ezine.  i've been asked a few times, but not nearly as often as i thought i would be.  Somehow that feels good.    

     During all of this busy-ness, my daughter came for another visit.  She wasn't as expensive this time, but she did go home with blue hair.  And what a process that turned out to be.

     i sent off an emergency icq message to K, asking if she knew where i could find blue hair dye.  Perfect person to ask, as she directed us to a theatrical/beauty supply place that has an extensive inventory of goodies i'd love to spend more time browsing through one day!  (maybe i should brush the dust off that old hairdressing certificate i own)  

     Anyway, said hair dye was purchased, along with some blue glow-in-the-dark hair mascara for Master's daughter.  When we arrived home, i sent the girls off to the local grocery store to purchase the blond coloring needed to hide my daughter's growing-out roots.  Then the fun began.

     First we had to glop the blond coloring on.  That took the better part of an hour and i'm happy to report that i have not lost my touch for blending the colors perfectly.  Once her hair was dry again, she donned a streaking cap and we pulled some of her hair through it.  And then applied the blue.  

     What a color.  It said turquoise on the box, yet it looked pretty green to me.  Of course i am color challenged, so what do i know?  But the girls were certainly excited about the whole thing.  That excitement didn't last long when the cap came off however.  It turned out to be a lot more blue than anyone bargained for, and looked a lot more like a whole head full of plain old blue hair, rather than blond hair that has been gently streaked with wisps of blue.  We'd pulled too much hair through the streaking cap.

     Who could know?

      i now have a daughter who looks like a smurfette.  Thank gawd it washes out.      


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