"Don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars."

--Bette Davis, in the film, "Now, Voyager"


tiny pleasure:

sardine salad ... i'm serious! 

"The value of life lies, not in the length of days, but in 
the use we make of them: a man may live long, yet live very 
little. Satisfaction in life depends not on the number of 
your years, but on your will."

--Michel de Montaigne


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View










September 11, 2000


So the guy across the street is struggling to install a new front door.  It's day two and really hot outside and i can't imagine how he is managing to keep his temper.  i also can't imagine why it's taking so long to install said door, given that it's just a matter of fitting it within the existing hole.  i've renovated more than a few houses in the past years and i understand completely how one can run into a snag.  But two days to shimmy a door frame?  Seems a bit excessive.  Maybe he's on a contract and getting paid by the hour.  And thinks working into the dark hours is cool.   Who can know?

     It seems some of my 'career' direction may be taking a bit of a turn.  i'm starting a flash 4 course tomorrow night, which will be really helpful with the web pages. And web page design is something i really like to do.  But this weekend i helped some friends run an internet workshop at a convention centre, and several people asked about at-home teaching services.  "Hey," i thought.  "i can do this!"  So i'm exploring the feasibility of it now.  my biggest hurdle will be learning the city and actually getting to the homes.  i like the idea of still being able to make my own hours however.  And it reminds me a bit of when i used to do hairdressing house calls.  People were grateful not only for the service, but for the company provided as well.

     i keep remembering Albert and Marie, and how much we all enjoyed each other, when i'd be there to do her hair.  She'd tell me the same stories each week while i washed and dried and twisted her hair into an elegant french roll, and Albert would use the time to catch a breath of fresh air outside.  He rarely left Marie's side because she suffered from diabetic blindness.  When i was there He could escape for a bit, but He never stayed away long, preferring to sit with us and chat.  He always made me a pot of coffee that was so strongly brewed i'd shake for hours after.  i never minded.

     So it has occurred to me, that if i pursue this 'teaching at home' service, i might meet another couple.  This worries me a bit because i tend to get attached to easily, but i suppose i wouldn't be visiting that often to really get to know them.  

      Master says i'm not really putting my heart into the posts lately and it's showing.  i'm not sure what's happening, but my mind just seems really skitzy right now.  i think i might have too many things on the go and trying to spread myself too thinly over each project.  It would be nice if my hips would reflect that!

      Whatever the problem is, i need to figure it out soon.  i have played around with the idea of getting a bit more 'descriptive' in here.  Revealing things of a more risque manner, but i'm still struggling with the concept.  i'm not sure how much i want to share ... and how much people really need to know about me.  And how much i'm willing to risk my kids finding out about.  They have a pretty good idea of my life, but the details remain unshared.  i think it should stay that way.

      So anyway ... i'll get it all sorted out eventually i guess.


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