"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing 
can be done without hope and confidence."

--Helen Keller


tiny pleasure:

sharp teeth 

"Think positively and masterfully, with confidence and faith, 
and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, 
richer in achievement and experience."

--Eddie Rickenbacker


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View










November 23, 2000


 So, my son got the place we were hoping for, and as of December 1, Master and i have privacy again!  i'm preparing some requests as we speak.  But i think one of the best things about all of this (besides the fact that said son won't be far away and we can still visit regularly ) will be not having to toss a robe on in the middle of the night, when i wake up and have to go use the 'loo'.   It's taken a long while, but Himself has managed to get me used to sleeping nude.  Having to find my robe in the dark of night is a pain of the not so nice kind now.  

      Something else that will be nice is to be able to write as the mood hits me again.  i'm trying to write something more erotic than i'm used to, and having one's son beside you while you're trying to describe masturbation in a way that the reader will understand, just doesn't work well.  Although i am starting to get used to having Master sitting near while i work on the journal.  i still feel a bit stilted but i'm getting better.  

     Himself made Christmas cake yesterday, which i dutifully tended to during the baking of, since He was off to a meeting.  i was more than a bit nervous about letting it bake too long since i've never attempted a fruit cake before, but it seems all has turned out well.  When He arrived home later on, we enjoyed a nightcap together while wrapping the cakes in tea towels and placing them in plastic containers, ready to be soaked in brandy.  It will be some time before the cakes are actually ready to eat, since they have to 'soak' in the alcohol for a long while.

      Once we were done we headed off to bed.  It's getting pretty cold outside, so kneeling at the foot of the bed was very brief this time!  Mere minutes had gone by before both of us were warmly snuggled into each other and enjoying a nice chat before falling asleep.

      i cannot describe how wonderful it is to rest against His warm body, feel His strong arms just holding me, and hear His voice rumble; "I am so very happy that you are here."  

     Peaceful slumber comes so easily then.


      So the cakes are properly soaking in a lot of brandy, and there's a second bottle of same for Master to nip on from time to time.  i think by the time He is finished marinating these cakes we'll be able to get drunk just by sniffing them.  

      Maybe that's why He had the impulse to lift my hair and nibble on the back of my neck this morning.  Something that made me weak at the knees by the way!

      This baking thing should become a tradition, i'm thinking!



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