"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer 
but wish we didn't."

--Erica Jong


tiny pleasure:


 "Fair play with others is primarily not blaming them for 
anything that is wrong with us."

--Eric Hoffer


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View









January 2, 2001


So i'm back here again - and only one day has passed.  That's an amazing feat in itself, especially since as i write this it's only barely still the second day of January.  In fact, a mere 25 minutes from now it will be the third day of this new year.  i'm still trying to recover from the first day!              

     i'm  back writing again.  It's grabbed me and caused me to itch in the worst way - making me restless and even a bit irritable.  In spite of the fact that i've tried a gazillion different topics when i've had this need to write, i am yet again back to the original one.  Who knows - maybe i'll manage to express said topic in an interesting yet cathartic way this time.     


     i've argued with Himself this night.  And the fact that i'm expressing it here might tick Him off even farther.  i don't know; yet i think it's better to express things than keep them hidden inside forever - inside until one suddenly bursts from the weight of it all.

     A friend sent a message asking that we catch up with each other.  Our favourite activity is meeting at the local restaurant/bar and sharing a few beers with pizza. Of course i asked Himself first - explained what it was we were looking for - and His flippant answer was something to the effect of "what's in it for Me?"  At this point i chuckled and said yeah right, then typed back a one worded message to her - "sure."

     He pushed the issue.  Apparently i was mistaken and i should have taken Him more seriously.  Or so i was led to believe.  So i sent a message to her saying that Himself wanted to know what was in it for Him to which she kindly offered her butt to be flogged, in exchange.

     Now hang on.  Pardon me, but what is this?  For the pleasure of my company she has to offer her butt for flogging?  i don't think so!  A simple thank You Sir is sufficient in my books.  And apparently that is indeed the case - except that's not what i understood and my marginally feminist side kicked in instead.  Which lead to a nice round of terse words.

     And so now here i sit, hours later, wondering what the hell happened.  It was presented to me, that in order for someone to ask a request of Him - even for just an evening of companionship with me - that the other submissive should offer up their butt at least, in exchange.  When i objected to that - insisted that polite gratitude was more than enough - it was then said that it was all just a joke. Huh?

     Himself has gone off to bed.  Our nightly ritual has been reduced to Him coming out of the bedroom - brusquely fastening the collar around my neck and not saying a word but merely going back off to the bedroom - and i'm sitting here feeling like "what the ..."  

     You know - the other day i was lamenting about the fact that there is so little written out there about what it's really like living 24/7 - what it is really like to live with another person's moods and know that because you've decided to live the life your personality needs to live, there are going to be moments when you think you've lost your mind.

     Maybe i should stop lamenting and simply write it myself.

     Yet even during my most disgruntled times - when i'm about to shut down the computer and in utter defiance head for the couch with an 'oh yeah?' attitude - something reminds me of why i am here.

     Then i methodically shut down each program still running on this machine and discover something that i can't ignore.

     Earlier today He'd sent me a poem.  Something He wrote. Something that touched me in ways that mere words can't touch.

      And i read it again.  

      And know that i'm going to snuggle in beside His gently snoring body again tonight.  i have to.

      i love Him.

The poem:



when you lay

on top of me

your feet

caress my thighs

like hands

and I

am held





Note:  i've archived the last year - see the link "2000" in the left margin :)        


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