"Any man's life will be filled with constant and unexpected 
encouragement if he makes up his mind to do his level best 
each day."

--Booker T. Washington


tiny pleasure:

discovering that i like dressing up femininely again - is the biker girl gone? 

"No animal ever invented anything as bad as drunkenness -- or 
so good as drink."

--G. K. Chesterton

 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View









January 28, 2001


This week just seemed to slide away from me! And i'm sitting here racking my brain trying to remember what all i did.  So far i'm coming up empty - probably because i'm focused on the fact that i'm about to do my first job for a temp agency tomorrow.  

     Back to the land of offices.  Yikes! 

     i'd gone to the agency on Wednesday, thinking i'd just see if they liked me and maybe sign up and that it would be awhile before i got started.  Which would still be okay since the tenant isn't leaving until March 1.  (Although i'm getting a tad concerned since there doesn't appear to be a lot of packing activity happening yet)  But by Friday mid-afternoon, i was receiving a phone call with the "we have this job for you and this is where it is and it starts on Monday" explanations.  i said okay and the ball got rolling.  Rolling all the way to the store to buy clothing yesterday.  

     "Dress corporate;" the agency had instructed.  Yikes again.  After a year of not working 'out there' and the fact that i'd never had a lot of office-y type things anyway - i might have been able to pull together the right look - for one day.  After that it would have gotten interesting. Well unless they were tolerant of me working away at the computer in an old bath robe. (my favourite ensemble-du-jour - until at least noon)

     By the time Himself managed to pull me together with a veritable plethora of blouses and jackets and slacks and skirts and even a new winter coat more suited to navigate the transit system, i'd become shell shocked.  From the amount of clothing we'd managed to get - and from the fact that we'd just spent at least my first two pay cheques.  i am so not used to doing this.  i'm used to getting other people's cast-offs or if splurging on something new, then it's only one piece at a time.  Not seventeen!

     On the upside (besides the fact that i feel thoroughly indulged) i certainly won't have to buy much more than panty hose for quite a long time now.  Which i'm sure is part of the Big Guy's plan.  Like any stereotypical male - He detests shopping.  One big sweep through the stores and He's off the hook for awhile. 

      And like any a-typical female - i kept thinking that the money could have bought a dishwasher instead, and why do offices need such fancy shmancy stuff anyway?  

     But the emotion that was stronger was of being grateful that Himself understands how the clothing will boost my self esteem.  And how, in spite of His general reluctance of me getting back into the regular working world, He's supporting me in the endeavor 100%.  

     Master has always taught me to find a positive thing in all events - to have a purpose.  Well then, i'll be earning that dishwasher in no time.  All by myself :)


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