30, 2001
i've included an excerpt of an email i
sent to a mailing list today. i'd asked the people
on the list what they did to maintain their D/s
relationships while out in the working world and i've
received some wonderful encouragement. i received
even more encouragement when i got home from work today,
from Himself.
part of the email:
"i thought i'd share what Master did today.
He's gone off to His aikido class, but before He left (assuming i wouldn't be home before He did) He put a note on the table. It started out "... I hope your day went well and this note finds you happy to be home." Then it instructed me to have a glass of wine and change into something comfortable and put on the cuffs, then relax and read my email. It also says to put the oven on at 6:45 and then put the tin foil wrapped potatoes into the oven at 7. He further says "I will be home to cook the rest of the dinner at 8-ish"
i think i just fell in love all over again :)
shadoe (the new working warrior)"
And now i'm not
so worried. We might get caught up in the realities
of the vanilla world, but i think i've just been shown the
strength of our relationship. And how did i
respond? Well of course i melted and did exactly as
He wished, but i also tossed in a vanilla activity that
will in turn make His day easier tomorrow. i might
not be here, but i can make a difference. He
intends to do the laundry; i took a moment and sorted it
for Him.
What's that
saying? You can take the girl out of the farm (city,
country), but you can't take the farm (city, country) out
of the girl. Who knows ... i am sure i'm not
remembering it correctly. But it seems appropriate
here. You can take the girl out of the 'sub' world,
but you can't take the 'sub' out of the girl.
something like that.
Gone to put
the potatoes in the oven ...