"To be happy, drop the words 'if only,' and substitute 
instead the words 'next time.'"

--Dr. Smiley Blanton


tiny pleasure:


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View



April 30, 2001

     Please bear with me while i experiment with making a change here. i have a few ideas i want to do but they may take me a few days to actually accomplish.  But it feels like it is time again - maybe because spring is finally here - or maybe just because i'm bored with the look.  Then again, a change might also inspire me to keep my updates flowing.

     i think i'm going for the 'hands' theme since i have a passion for pictures and sculptures of them.  i think the love for them started years ago, when i was in Indonesia and watching the graceful gestures of the Balinese dancers there.  In fact, i spent hours trying to achieve that same level of gracefulness but of course i never quite got there (it takes years and years of training.)  But i did become much more aware of how i use my hands and what hands can 'say' to others.  i think this is probably another reason why i find two handed serving pleasurable as well.  Although it took me awhile to become consistent with it, now that it's ingrained into my mind i have the pleasure of watching my hands give and another set of hands receive.  i love the elegance of that.

     i also love Master's hands.  They are large - almost larger than what His frame looks like it should have - and very broad in the palm.  And a delicious shade of brown that goes even darker in the summer.  i love watching them when He's cooking or gardening - or they are placed on my body. This picture (which i've used for other pieces of work in the past)reminds me of His hands.

     The background here is also a picture of hands and arms crossed behind a back.  Himself found it for me one day and it now is also used as the background on my monitor screen.  

     Is it very weird to have this obsession? 


     i took a day from work today, to do some catching up of doctor's appointments and banking.  The banking went well - thanks to Himself i might even have money saved when i retire one day.  Lord only knows i'm lousy at organizing my own finances.  So finally today He did what i'd hoped He would do a year ago when i first set up accounts (back then He was understandably reluctant since everything about 'us' was so new and He has a strong sense of 'it's your money'.)  Today He went to the bank with me and told the investment counselor; "this is what she needs."  Perfect.

    The doc's appointment wasn't as successful. Apparently she had some sort of emergency and cancelled everyone.  The receptionist insisted they'd called and left a message for me (not!) that my date had been changed.  It was all very annoying - especially since i gave up a day's worth of pay and now have to go back yet again, missing more time at work.  Which really doesn't look good when one is trying to make a positive impression. 

     'Course on the upside (the big guy insists i find the positives) i did have time to get started on making changes here and i'm feeling more productive.  But i'm going to stop now since front page has decided to not work properly and is being a major pain.  Hah!   So much for being positive!


Nauman Bruce

30 Men Hands 3Nauman Bruce - 30 Men Hands 3 Farben Farben
Subject: Lithography
Info 1: Lithography
Info 2: Edition 50
Size (''): 29.92 x 39.76
Size (cm): 76 x 101
Article#: 2611487
Price (US$) 5,521.82

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