2, 2001
So this month has started out with something less than a
bang. i missed work on both Thursday and Friday
'cause of being sick - although i did feel a lot better on
Friday, just an ache in my back when i coughed. i
haven't a clue what was wrong with me but it seems to have
passed and hopefully is gone forever.
Then the fellow who is doing the renos downstairs went on
a seek and destroy mission the very second the first
raindrops started yesterday. Last week he figured
out why so much water is coming into our basement (eaves
trough/fascia board related) but he'd also had another
suspicion. Unfortunately he proved himself
right. Because of the eaves problem, the water
poured down the wall and right into the outside ledge of
the upstairs bathroom window. And now it's very
rotted. In fact most of the base of the window is
rotted. Is it ever going to end? Grrr.
On the upside (see Master, i'm trying to find good in
everything) the downstairs is really starting to look nice
- unique - i dare say there won't be many homes with a
hardwood floor trimmed by mahogany plywood. i wish i
had a computer camera to do pics!
And Himself's brother is giving us his electric jennair
stove since he decided he preferred to have a gas
one. That's a bonus. i never imagined i'd ever
have a jennair! And the dishwasher is in - dare i
jinx things and say there aren't any leaks?
And (lots of ands today) i love the countertop and the
pass through and the wide open space.
Now if the whole project would ever end so i can start
using that wide open space ...

i keep reading a
bunch of other journals and feeling like i'm boring
compared to them. First of all, where do they get
all the time to put in such great entries? And where
do they find all the time to do all the things they talk
about? Is it because they have more energy than
me? Maybe it's because they are more
Sometimes i get
embarrassed at my own words when i read theirs and see so
much emotion is revealed. It's like they take huge
chunks of their heart and just put it all out there.
i feel humbled then, when i'm reading their words.
And wish that i were that good.
Maybe if i'd
spend less time dreamily cruising through their sites i'd
find more time to do the things i'm supposed to be
doing. Heh. And maybe i'd dig a bit deeper
into my own psyche. But i wouldn't be as relaxed. i
prefer relaxed.
i think part of
the problem is that Himself and i have virtually no time
to explore the kinkier side of our relationship these
days, which is something i like to talk about in
here. We haven't stopped completely of course - i
think we'd both start pacing if that happened - but by the
time we are finished our days, the nights are just time
for being exhausted while eating dinner. And with me
working out of the house, there's less opportunity.
Yet i'm finding myself becoming more interested in
exploring things again.
i'm like this
though. i find something new to learn, something to
challenge me, and once i've conquered it, i'm anxious to
learn something else. Maybe i'm addicted to
learning. And the weird part is, while i am learning
i am totally stressed out and anxious, but it's seldom
that i stop. i seem to thrive on the learning curve.
Then i'll do that new learned thing for a long time. Then
suddenly stop. Just like that. A sort of
"been there done that ... next" kind of
attitude. i haven't a clue why.
Going a little
deeper into the exploration of the physical and emotional
sides of D/s would be really interesting though and
it's definitely the direction of my thoughts these days.

i've been
slipping in the behaviour department lately. i
jokingly keep telling Himself i need retraining, but i
think He's starting to take the idea seriously.
Actually i think it would be a good thing for both of us
if we indulged in that process again.
It's things like
the other day when i got home from work, i offered the
fellow doing the renos a beer, and asked Himself if He'd
like one. He declined, so i only served two - one
for the fellow - and one for me. i forgot to ask
permission. Several hours later, i found myself
getting tossed over Himself's knee and receiving a few
good whacks on the butt, while He grumbled something about
my attitude. Heh. And silly me giggled since
He was doing all this over my heavily denim'd butt.
i knew that had to be hurting Him.
Gads. We
need to get back to being more formal again. Both of
us. i've been trained - i know what's necessary -
but i also know my personality and i'm almost ashamed to
admit that i know if i can get away with something, i'll
try it.
i never was
very good at disciplining myself. Maybe that's why
i'm the sub and Himself is He Who Must Be
PS: today's quotes reminded me i am
missing my cat. Even if he does have an 'i own the
place' attitude!

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