June 14, 2001

    Where have i been?  Who can know.  Life has been crazy busy and moving way too fast.  i wish there were some way to slow it all down.  

     i miss having long hours available to work on a story - or a website - or putzing around the house.  Domsview hasn't been updated since April, and i haven't been to the gym since about that time either.  Nice guilt trip there since it was my christmas present and i'm not even using it.  And just when i think i'm going to be home for a few weeks and can get back at it again, i find out they want me at the temp job for a few more weeks yet.  i wish i were like others who have tons of energy.  Who get up early and go to the gym before work ... or go after work with still enough steam to actually exercise. 

     i don't want to get out of bed that early.  i have trouble sleeping as it is.  And going after work is proving non successful as well, since i can barely keep my eyes open during the streetcar ride.  i have fears of nodding off and missing my stop.  And maybe drooling out of the side of my  mouth like some of the others i've seen actually do that.  Where'd all that energy that i had 15 years ago ... go?

     i was such a spit fire then.  All one hundred and four pounds of me - leather mini skirt clad and fiesty as hell.  Now i walk into the public washroom at work and see my mother walking by the large mirrors.  i'm not convinced it's me yet.

     But still.  It was only 15 years ago.  What's going to happen in another 15?  That scares me.


     Okay.  At the risk of sounding repetitious - the renos are coming along great!  The stove is installed (in fact i used it to bake potatoes last night) and a lot of the woodwork is done.  

      It's looking wonderful!  

      Have i mentioned before how much i like it here - and in this city - and here in this city with Him?

      Yeah i probably have.  

       i'm saying it again.

     So i'm sitting here melting in the heat.  Summer decided to kick in and it is very hot right now.  i'm assuming that's why the family across the street have decided to let their children stay outside until 11:10 p.m. (the time right now)  It's a nice neighbourhood - but confusing sometimes.  The people attached to our house are noisy and have the dog from hell that i pray has collapsed vocal cords really soon.  i swear to gawd they stand there and watch him bark his fool head off.  While swilling their beer of course.  

     And just when they finally call it a night - the other family lets their kids out.   Heh.  i'm getting grumpy in my dotage.  

     Maybe they were right when they predicted i'd be a grumpy old lady swilling gin and owning a gazillion cats.

     zzzzzz time.


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"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." --Harriet Beecher Stowe


"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." --Leonardo da Vinci


Happiness Scale:

1 - 10

(the scale runs 1 - 10 ... 10 being the highpoint (go figure!)

today = 9.5

it's good that it's still 9.5 - it means that in spite of the fact that a few times Himself and i have been ticked at each other lately - the good times where we enjoy each other have been alive and well - hey, we are actually surviving a renovation together - not bad!


 Leaving in the email hint - i liked hearing from people!

Email *hint*