28, 2001
So it's nearly time for the open house and am i
ready? Of course not! The upstairs still looks
like a bomb has hit - although it is making
progress and i can even picture it done some day. In
fact, i dream of the moment i walk into the bedroom and
can stand near the doorway and just gaze at how nice it
all is.
i don't think Himself understands though. i think He
views a house much differently than i do. For me,
having a home that is unique and 'created' by us -
paintings hung in quirky places and furniture angled
instead of straight - gives me huge amounts of
pleasure. When everything is tidy and neat and some
of my favourite items are out on display for me to feast
my eyes upon - that is when i get the most
It's like the first burst of flavour as a creamy smooth
chocolate melts against your tongue - that's what i feel
when i walk from room to room and just stand quietly
breathing in the feel of the space. i love to
stand in doorways, surveying what i see before me and
taking pleasure in it all. i love moving a candle
stick on a table just a quarter of an inch over, so that
it fits just so. When i need a de-stress moment
during the day, a walk through a tidy house that's
decorated to reflect our personalities, is instantly
And something else. i'm just realizing that
decorating my home has always been the one thing that i've
never felt pressure to be perfect at. i've always
gone with my gut instinct for example, on just where that
painting should go - and always liked the results.
And never cared if anyone else did.
The only moments of insecurity have come from colour
choices because i don't see them the same way other people
do. So i usually depend on someone else to guide me
in that area.
i'm fairly positive a lot of this attraction was learned
at my mother's side, since she was a fanatic about
decorating her houses. She was more rigid about it
than me however - unable to get past the uniformity of
placement and never putting items in quirky spots. i
prefer the quirky spots. If i can put a piece of
furniture on an angle in the room and get away with it,
i'll do it. Sometimes i'll do it even if it's not
quite right. In fact, i've been accused of having
And as i glance at the space around me i notice:
The monitor is on an angle.
The speakers are on an angle.
The mousepad is crooked and the keyboard is angled.
The printer is straight.
i'll have to fix that ...
So - i just reread the above and realized something.
i think i've passed along this house thing to my daughter
as well since she's enrolling in a school for interior
decorating. Maybe it's in our blood?

i seem to be
suffering from silly moments these days. Which is
causing me to wonder if perhaps menopause really will kick
in, in spite of the fact that i take hormone pills.
On Thursday,
friends of ours came over to help with some of the work
still needed in the house. When they'd done as much as
possible, we went to the local bar/pub for food and (sigh
for the hips) beer and sometime during all this my cat got
outside. (He's not allowed out because he doesn't
have claws and i'm afraid he'll get killed.)
He survived this
time however. i found him on the front porch, his
eyes larger than ever as he surveyed the other cats around
Then yesterday
morning, while i was waiting for the kettle to boil for
tea, i did the 'walk' i described above, around the house
- just taking it all in. That's when i noticed that
the bathroom window was open on the side that doesn't have
a screen. And my thoughts instantly went to doom and
gloom mode.
With the window
wide open, i just knew the cat was gone again. i
went outside and checked around but the only creature out
there was the dog-from-hell that lives next door. i
didn't want to look at him in case there were bits of
black fur sticking out from his huge jaws.
i went inside and
checked the house. Then back out the front door and
saw nothing. By now i was giving up all hope.
So i went in
again and did the only sensible thing - busied myself with
making the tea and trying really hard not to think about
the fact that my kids gave me that cat. Tried to not
remember how tiny they were that day they held the skinny
black bundle of fur in their arms, and presented it to me.
And wondered how i was
going to tell them. Then remembered how much
Himself's daughter likes that cat and how to tell her. She
cries as easily as i do!
Of course the cat has
one of those identifying tattoos in it's ear, but that was
for back where i used to live. Even if a miracle happened
and the cat wasn't eaten by the dog, but picked up and
taken to the pound, this would mean the ex would know i
lost the cat. Shit.
what if someone found him and decided to keep him instead
of trying to find his owner?
By this point i was pacing from room to room, weeping and
trying really hard not to because i didn't want to wake up
Himself. But i couldn't stop crying either.
Then the cat came downstairs for his breakfast.
Alrighty then. Now i feel stupid.
i'm blaming it on the 'pause. Even if i'm not in it.

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