July 22, 2001

     Time is quickly becoming a precious commodity to me.  And i wish there was some way to buy more of it.

     My list of things to do:

     Draw the picture of the house.

     Try to post more here. (Himself is telling me on average of once per week now - "Where's your post.  Do your post!"  Alrighty then.  When?)

     Try to get Domsview back up and running.

     Try to finish the three websites i have on the go plus be creative for a fourth in the hopes that i get the job, plus update the mailing list site that i did plus finish off another one so i can actually get paid.  And update Himself's theatre company site and fix my own site.

     Go to work 5 days of the week.  (i've negotiated it down to four so that i can get some things done and try to look for another job.)

     Finish writing a story i have going with a friend.

     Finish putting the house back together since we have now reversed all the rooms upstairs.  (The bed is in the old living room now, and the office is in what used to be our bedroom.  What a mess that created.)

     And then just for fun, get ready for the upcoming long weekend when we are having an open house/munch.  

     i know there's more.  It's probably written on a note somewhere that is now lost in the room shuffle.

     i feel a whimper coming on.

     Of course it is not all bad.  Somewhere in all of the above mess i've managed to spend good time with Himself.

     We've still kept to our routine of having dinner together and i'm very glad of that as it gives us time to chat and catch up.  And just be pleasantly quiet together.

     And last weekend we spent the night with some friends, then attended a flogging workshop the next day with them.  Himself was the demonstrator actually, and i got to be the demo subby (along with one other female.)  Very cool by all standards and Himself as per usual was an excellent instructor.  

     We didn't have an actual scene however, until we were home and in the privacy of our own bedroom the next morning.  But it was more than worth the wait.  And i even got bold enough to ask to be tied to the bed.  He was most obliging; starting the scene with me face up first, then face down.  And one of the things i like best about scening with Him is that, besides the great sex (we have that a lot just on it's own and now He's gonna give me that look for saying so), He loves to use all those toys He has collected.  It wasn't long before He had me floating off somewhere.

     Then we do something together that's totally opposite to scening.  He takes me off to a martial arts seminar of some sort.  i can't for the life of me remember the names of the actual demonstrations but i do know that it involved much swinging of swords and flipping people about.  And one very cool demo of two men wielding sword like things (made of some material i couldn't make out), wearing funny looking outfits that included wire face masks - and bashing each other.  In a very controlled and artistic way. 

     It was all very bizarre.

     There was one demonstration however, that i swear had D/s undertones.  He was obviously the leader, and she the follower.  While He talked and explained what they were going to do, she knelt on the floor quietly.  When they used the weapons on each other, He was generally the aggressor and at one point rolled her onto the floor and her back, so that she had to assume a position of vulnerability.  i loved it.

     i know that for them, the D/s concept has probably never crossed their minds, as they are probably not in the scene.  However, while i was watching them, my mind drifted off to the idea of a scene done exactly like what i was seeing and i was more than a little bit intrigued.  It would be showy of course, but i think intensely riveting and sensual for those that would be watching.    

     Heh.  my imagination is running rampant.  As per usual.  


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"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." --Jim Ryuh


"It only seems as if you're doing something when you worry."
--Lucy Maud Montgomery


Happiness Scale:

1 - 10

(the scale runs 1 - 10 ... 10 being the highpoint (go figure!)

today = 9.5

i like that this number seems to be consistent lately


 Leaving in the email hint - i liked hearing from people!

Email *hint*


Note:  New journal added to the webring

And guess what? 

Debra Hyde has joined 
our modest little ring! i'm very
