11a, 2001
So yesterday was my birthday.
And also the last day of work at the never-ending temp
job. Which apparently has now ended.
It was a really strange day of beginnings and endings. And
i've been in an almost melancholy mood since.
The people at work were very sweet, giving me a cake and a
delicate silver bracelet i'd seen a few days before.
Sort of a combination birthday, going away idea - and
there was a steady pace of people arriving at my desk to
ask what i'd be doing in the future. Many promises
of keeping in touch were made, and i'm fully equipped with
email addresses now as well. i even managed to stay
cheerful throughout the day. Well until the very
last well wisher (one of my favourite people there)
followed me downstairs to the lobby and gave me a warm
hug. That's when the tears started. Making
friends to just have to leave them eventually, is really
all sounds very much like an ending. But it was also
a beginning as well, since now i'm home for a few weeks to
catch my breath, before the next work adventure. i
can enjoy Himself the way i prefer to - get back in touch
with, and strengthen, all those relationship things that
we put aside because we were just so rushed all the time
with the house renos and me working. i can finish
off websites i'd started. Update the ezine.
Draw the picture of the house and do some writing
again. Make journal entries. (imagine that!)
even felt different when i woke up this morning (still
horribly early since it seems my internal clock is used to
that now.) It felt weird. But less rushed.
Before, i'd feel like i had to get out of bed and get
working, knowing that i only had a couple of days to catch
up on home things, before the work week consumed me
again. This morning it was like 'hmm... i don't have
to 'jump' - i can actually do journal entries without
guilt.' Which is exactly what i've been doing.
There wasn't the usual pressure of getting the websites
done, which always necessitated pushing this journal
it is like a beginning, even though the job was an
ending. It's the start of a few weeks off to catch
up. To make choices about what will continue or not
continue when i do go back to work. A chance to
polish skills that can be used for more work
placements. A chance to snuggle with Himself.
That's the most important one.
All very good things indeed.

beginning/ending thing spilled over into my feelings about
my birthday as well. And to be honest, i think i
handled it all very gracefully this time.
It was the ending
of my 44th year, and the beginning of my 45th and i can't
say i'm 43 any more. (Note: people hate
it when i explain the concept of how birthdays really
work. Yes, i went from 43 to 44.
HOWEVER. Being 43 actually meant i was in my 44th
year. my birthday means i finished that many years -
i am officially 44 years old. And when i became officially
44, the beginning of my 45th year started. Okay even
i'm confused now.)
But it
didn't feel like much of a change anyway. And for
some odd reason it didn't feel terribly old either.
For years now i've stood in front of the mirror on the
fateful day, and in an almost surreal and detached manner
looked at myself and thought 'hmm. so this is what
(insert age) looks like.' Yesterday was no
different. And it wasn't as scary as a thought it would
It was like
an acknowledgement that yes, i'm not 16 but no, i'm not
really very old yet. There's a bit more of me packed
on around my waistline in the last 6 months, but other
than that - i'm still me. Well ... with drugstore
colouring in my hair. But basically that's it for
alternative enhancing. And i guess i'm not doing too
bad at all.
i guess the
weirdest part was realizing that i still have lots of time
to get all those projects done. The ones that i know
are inside me - drawing and writing and expressing.
Even if i'm never very good at them, i suddenly find
myself more willing to try. i find myself
understanding that it doesn't really matter if i do any of
it very well. It's the doing that counts. And
that's a big change from where my head was at even as
recently as a year ago - where i believed if things
weren't done perfectly, then they shouldn't be done at
What a waste of
time. No more i say! Maybe growing older is
nature's way of shifting our attention away from ourselves
- becoming less egocentric and more reflective
instead. Of learning that we'll never conquer the
world, but the world won't conquer us either, if we don't
let it.
And now i'm gone
to inhale the wonderful scent from the huge bouquet of
flowers Himself got me yesterday. And inhale
the scent of Him as well.

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