15, 2001
Himself's older brother came to visit this weekend.
He was the final brother for me to meet - the oldest in a
family of four boys (not including the cousin that lived
with them.)
So last night He spent the evening with us, and slept
over. Which was probably a good thing since we
managed to inhale massive quantities of wine. Ouch.
Going to work this morning was a true test of
It was all very cool though. He was the nicest
person, and i got past some of my angst about whether He'd
hate me or not. i think He's a bit more 'proper'
than the rest of the family - more like Himself's mother
in fact - but He handled some of the revelations about my
background rather gracefully i thought. And His jaw
only lowered to the table (rather than the floor) when we
regaled Him with biker stories and "Master at my
mother's funeral along with the hubster and kids"
i've been feeling a touch of sadness ever since
though. For some reason all the visiting and
watching the interaction of the two brothers reminded me
of my younger brother, and how he seems to have withdrawn
himself from me. i've heard from him twice since my
mother died, both times after i'd moved here. And
then we mostly discussed our reactions to our childhood
and about how she handled her death. Well, to be
more precise, how she managed to exclude us in her
Yes, we were given "things". my sister and
i each received a ring, and other various items. The
boys didn't receive anything i think. Not that i am
aware of anyway. And i was given the painting done
by the artist neighbour who at one point in my youth, had
shunned my artwork. Yet still i treasure this
painting - it somehow represents some of the more positive
aspects of my teenage years.
But my younger brother coveted it as well. Not for
the sentimental value, but for the monetary. This
became apparent years after she'd written a will, when it
was left to me. However, she changed her will
frequently. In the end, she admitted that she'd told
my brother he could have the painting, forgetting that
she'd willed it to me all those years before. Her
solution? She put a small piece of masking tape on
the back, with my brother's name on it... then gave it to
me to hang on my walls. i think she was counting on
my guilt.
Then the fateful days of the two phone calls
occurred. And this is when my brother explained that
he'd been getting prices on what the painting was
worth. To which i didn't react very well. Sell
my sentiments? Never!
He did back down. i told him what i believed the
money value to be... and what the real value to me was,
and he let it go. But i haven't heard from him
since. i let things lay low for awhile - let him
have his space. And then i called him recently, to
wish him a happy 40th birthday. His voice mail
picked up, and he never acknowledged the call.
Now i'm at war with myself. Should i sell the
painting and share the profits? Should i continue to
have it hang on my wall, knowing its presence will remind
me forever that it caused a rift with my brother?
Should i just ship it off to him, knowing full well it
will be sold within minutes of him receiving it?
Himself doesn't even like it. But how much of me do
i shed?
Is any of this even worth the stress?
i'm beginning to think that it's not. i should just
pack it up and tell him it's his to do with as he
wishes. Yet i fear that i've given away, or tossed
aside, so many things already, that one day i'll be a very
old woman without a past. A senile old woman who
won't be able to tell what she lived, and won't have any
clues left for others to discover how i must have once
Just like my mother.

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