13, 2001
posts in a row. Heh. Doesn't happen often
anymore, but i keep trying. i'm also considering
moving this site to an independent server - one without
popups and less fear of being pulled down because of
content. Although i truly believe this journal is a
lot tamer than most, when it comes to talk about the
lifestyle. But then, lifestyle things just don't
happen that often anymore. Life is too crazy.
It's certainly
not that i'm complaining. The 'real' life things of
our relationship are the deepest, and most loving and
caring that i've ever had. Sometimes i really do
want to give myself the proverbial pinch to make sure i'm
awake. Gone are the days when i lived with the
hubster, and the daily routine of sniping at each
other. Gone are the days of poor, or totally
non-existent, communication. And the waking up
beside someone, wondering how the heck i got myself in
that situation.
Now i wake up
beside someone who is not only physically appealing, but
emotionally and mentally as well. Someone who loves
to read, who has the same taste in furniture as i do
(expect for his slight cringe when i unpacked a porcelain
china doll!), and same tastes in food, and etc.
Who's creative mind has encouraged me to be brave about
exploring my own creativity.
We have our
snarly moments - but we've both learned to take a deep
breath and really think about what we need to say,
and how it will affect the listener - that's gone a long
way in helping to resolve any issues that do crop up.
And yes, there
are elements of D/s still. We've moved to putting a
cuff on me before bed now (the collar was too hot during
the summer) - and i'm allowed to snuggle in bed beside Him
while He does this. Thank gawd, since my knees and
approaching winter combined to make the kneeling beside
bed umm.. interesting. And i still do my
rituals. But there are a few things about the first
blush of romance - in this case D/s based romance, that i
i do miss coming
to visit on a Friday night to find a note with typewritten
instructions. i miss the laziness of our time then,
when there weren't outside pressures like jobs and
obligations to interfere. To be fair though - i'd
have to say the trade off of being blissfully happy every
day of the week was well worth it.
Our once per week
D/s night doesn't seem to be coming together very easily
either. It's usually because some unforseen things
crop up that we need to deal with. i think we are
going to have to become more adamant about establishing
this though - i fear waking up one day and realizing it's
been 3 months since i've said please, Sir, for
anything. Basically what i'm thinking is that the
rituals - although consistent - eventually won't be
enough. And will become one-sided. Since we
began this relationship as a D/s based one - something we
both knew was the type of relationship that we wanted and
that would suit our personalities - i don't believe we can
allow that aspect of "us" to wane. No
matter how good all the rest of it is.
Where is all this
coming from? Well if i do get a permanent job,
instead of the more leisurely temping, i think it's going
to become even more important to create new ways to
explore our D/s. i'm going to need ways to stay
focused on 'home', because suddenly i'll have a career to
pull me away. To swallow me up entirely and take all
my attention. That's always what's happened in the
past - i become consumed by my work.
Maybe a list of
ideas would help - and i'll risk being accused of topping
from the bottom. Ideas like phone calls at lunch
time that tell me which door to come in when i get
home. Or which house gown to put on. Nothing
major, since i wouldn't presume to be the one who can
decide the major things of course, and in truth it doesn't
take a scene to put me in a more controlled space.
And i know i'm going to need to be put in that space -
especially as i gain more control in the workplace.
Himself has never lived with me under these circumstances
- so He doesn't know how hard it is for me to shed my
responsibilities once i leave the work
i guess that's
the word then - control. i need more control.
It helps me focus and helps me control myself. i
like being able to say "no, i asked permission and
i'm not allowed." Call it a kink, i don't
know. But it works for me.

In the adventure
category - this is a weird one.
When Himself was
a very young man (and apparently a much smaller and
shorter one back then) He joined a group of like-minded
teens and they started regular musical jam sessions.
If i've understood correctly, they dubbed themselves the
bushel barrel cafe, and continued to meet and enjoy each
other for about 5 years, whereupon many close friendships
were formed. Last night, 30 years later - they
decided to have a reunion. In the same church
basement from all those years ago.
i've never experienced anything like it before.
Definitely a vanilla thing but one of the nicest evenings
we could have hoped to share. What i found
particularly interesting was that although a good
percentage of the woman were a bit errr, rounder ... than
they used to be, people didn't seem to have trouble
recognizing them. It was the men that people were
having difficulty with. 'Course Master was a lot taller,
so that was to His advantage - but i'm wondering if it's
because men seem to change more in their later youth than
women do. Women by the age of 16 have often reached
their established height and look. Men don't.
So that might have had a factor in trying to figure out
who was who. Well that, and the fact that everyone's
remaining hair was grey.
Another weirdness
thing. Master's ex-wife was there, with the man she
lives with now, and that man was also a part of the group
all those years ago. So, she and this fellow bring
Master's daughter along, who at first glance one would
assume is not their daughter. Then we arrive
and said daughter is hugging Himself and i. A few
eyebrows rose. i love moments like that.
So there was much
hugging and sharing of baby pictures - all the usual
reunion things. A bit of food and then it was time
for the entertainment. Which i have to say was very
excellent and very impressive when you consider these
people haven't played together in years! Literally.
Himself and His
ex-wife's partner started the show with a few tunes,
whereupon i discovered that Himself actually can sing the
blues, play the harmonica and, in His tight black jeans
and shirt, make the ladies swoon. He didn't hear the
comments made from the audience, but i did, and i'm not
telling. i have to admit i got hugely turned on and
wished we were at home in bed.
Following that
was a variety of music and the instruments to
complement. Guitars and violins and another one that
i haven't a clue what it's called, plus a few poems
quoted. Himself's daughter was absolutely charming
as she sang a song and all the women went 'awwwwwww'.
And Himself's brother - the one i hadn't met yet - was
there as well, to share in all the memories.
A very different
- yet very warm and caring atmosphere - that rounded out
into a perfect evening. Confirms my suspicion that
there's still some very nice people out there in this
uncertain world.
i think we need
to remember that.

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