"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."

--Beverly Sills


tiny pleasure:

snuggling in bed with a good book 

"God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is 
right, even though I think it is hopeless."

--Admiral Chester W. Nimitz


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View










July 26, 2000


Day 2 of a totally empty house.  Ick.

     While Thelma and Louise were still here, on Monday Master had to leave the province to work on a new project of His.  This is the first that we've had an extended period of time away from each other since i moved in, and i am happy to report ... that i can't stand it!

      It might have had something to do with my tear-filled eyes as He left, but the girls decided we were going out to dinner.  i admit i enjoyed myself enormously.  It was horribly expensive and incredibly tasty and we barely contained the noise level of our giggling as we washed it all down with some great Australian wine.   After wobbling home via the subway and streetcar (what a wine-soaked trip that was!) we settled down in front of the computers and yet more booze, creating havoc in the chat room we originally met in.  

      Master called around midnight, and i scooted off to bed.  We hadn't discussed what was to happen about our nightly ritual during the times He would be working, but He took care of that by having me put the collar on while He waited on the phone.  Then i was instructed to lie on my right side, and after some more gentle conversation, i was able to go to sleep.   Well, for a few hours anyway.

      Yesterday, after the girls left, i spent the day tossing furniture around, avoiding the real work of tidying up.  i also worked on the ezine and this journal, and caught up with gossip online.  The neighbours (the good ones) cooked dinner for me (which i ate only a few bites of), yet by eleven o'clock i was still wide awake.  Master called, and we decided i should return His call at midnight, after He'd had something to eat.  We finally chatted until one-ish, at which point i was yawning.  Lo and behold, i actually fell asleep quickly, and stayed that way until ...

      Neeedt, neeedt, neeedt ... gads, it was the alarm clock from hell again.  At 6 a.m.  i cannot begin to describe the level of frustration i was feeling as fifteen minutes later it was still going off.  i got up and shut the bedroom window, started the ceiling fan, then tried to get back to sleep.  No luck.  By seven i was checking my email.  By seven-thirty i was back in bed trying again, and finally drifted off, managing to sleep until 10:30.  i think sheer exhaustion had kicked in, caused by the lack of sleep and the activity levels of the past week.

     Now i'm here, avoiding work again.  Heh.  But i feel a lot better.  

     i don't like this house empty.


     Alone in the house is not a good thing for me.  First of all i don't eat.  And second, i move furniture.  i've been at it again today. (i'm writing this much later than the previous thoughts above)

      i tried the futon angled in the corner, and the room is just too small to handle it, so it's back under the window again.  i have to admit it does look homey, even if i was trying to achieve a more avante garde look.  (Is that the right spelling?)  i did manage to rearrange some of the other items however, and redo some of the storage problems.  Having only three of the world's smallest closets (2' x 2') is a bit of a challenge, especially when the two adults have a preponderance for pack-ratting.  And the male Dominant of the house (besides the cat) isn't really crazy about change, yet throws away NOTHING!

     (i'm going to be safely out of reach when Master reads this post)

      So ... i gave up some of the precious closet shelf space in mine for the sheets and put the blankets in the blanket box where they belong.  i had to sit on the lid to get it to stay down however.  

      i dragged out a few more doilies and scattered them about.  He's going to hate that, but hey my great Aunty Adeline made them by hand.  How can one not appreciate hand-crafted?

      i rearranged some lighting and cleaned some clutter on a kitchen shelf.  i set up the living room so that the occasional table can be opened out to accommodate more romantic dining.  How can He not like that?  On second thought, He'll probably use the table more for spreading office-y type papers all over the place.  


       Learning to live with a man like this is an adventure.  i'm  used to living with people even more fastidious than me!  And it still looks like a bachelor pad.  

      i'll keep trying ...

... more tomorrow



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