"A man can stand a lot as long as he can stand himself."

--Axel Munthe


tiny pleasure:

visits from my kids :) 

"Being a personality is not the same thing as having a 

--Alan Coren


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View










August 21, 2000


It's monday morning, and as per usual it is taking me forever to get going.  i don't know why, but it's always the same.  i just like taking my time and savouring all the adventures of the weekend.

     My son came to visit Sunday morning, and spent the night.  He brought along His girlfriend, which meant i had to digest the idea of them sleeping together.  In front of me.  He did ask before bringing her, of course, and Master left the decision up to me.  Still, it was a bit unsettling, and i did kind of pull Him aside and STRONGLY mention that we don't have doors.  So we'd be able to hear ... you know ... so just don't ... you know ... okay?

     Funny how i can give all sorts of graphic advice when i don't have to look Him in the eye, when i have the luxury of email or icq. But face to face?  Words fail me.

      i'm praying she's on the pill.  Becoming a grandmother would mean having to acknowledge the gray hair, wrinkles and my child having sex.  Ick.  But i suppose i've already accepted the easy part, the sex.  It's the rest that i struggle with.

      We went to a 'kinky' flea market on Saturday.  Now that was fun!  Lots of goodies to see ... floggers and paddles and handcuffs, oh my!  And the locale was set back in a field, away from prying eyes, which was a nice bonus.  A Dom/me auction was included, and several were auctioned off for lucky subs to enjoy having a scene with (according to the personal limits of all parties involved of course).  The proceeds from the day's events went to a rural women's shelter, (which helps abused women but also distributes food and clothing to less fortunate rural families) under the guise of being donated from a 'family reunion'.  And what an uproar that's caused!

     Master and i belong to a mailing list that many of the people who attended the flea market, belong to as well.  And of course, the entire time the event was being advertised, we were made well aware of who the charity was we were donating to.  Yet, yesterday what do we find in our email but someone who didn't like the idea of where the donations went.

     He suggested that he thought the purpose of the venue was to purchase products and support local artisans.  He felt that a fund raiser and an auction, and the funds procured, would be better spent within the bdsm community, for a library or educational workshops.

     Hmm.  Well, okay so obviously this person might have missed the information when it was sent out on the list, and was therefore unaware of where His donation dollars were going.  And maybe He missed the information about the vendor requirement of 'donating' $20.00 (given to the shelter) for the right to have a table set up at the flea market.  The fact that a few people asked for clarification on this publicly, means that most of us did get it, i imagine.

     So the reality was, we were actually supporting both the charity and the local artisans, as they would keep the proceeds of their own sales of course. The auction was entirely volunteer, Dominants willing to give up a little bit of personal time, and the monies raised would help someone less fortunate than them.  Pretty admirable, in my opinion.  

     Given the happy smiles on many of the vendors' faces, i'd wager a bet that they will come back again for the next event.  So far as the library and/or the educational workshops:  i've seen many incredibly generous-hearted people again volunteering their wares and/or time, for the education and encouragement of our lifestyle.  Perhaps they feel that helping others less fortunate than themselves is an okay thing to do as well.  And while i agree that raising funds for a library and for workshops is an excellent idea, this particular time it was made specifically clear where the donations are going.  Who said this would be the only opportunity to do any fund raising?

     And then we move on to the next poster, who's questions were more pointed.  She wondered if the people receiving the proceeds knew the money was being raised through the sale of devices to inflict pain on women.  She wondered if they would accept the money knowing and understanding the 'nature' of what we do, and if they understood the concept of consensuality.

     Now this one started all kinds of conversations, most noticeably a response from Master, given that it was directed at Him (on a public mailing list of over 700 people).  Master's response was if one wasn't there, and it didn't involve one's own money, and one was apprised of the facts before the event, then people have no business sticking their noses into the works, after its over.  Of course He said it much more eloquently than i just did.  

     my initial reaction to that post was that it somehow implied what we are doing is wrong.  This person is a female slave and used the sentence "sale of devices to inflict pain on women." And managed to make it sound negative.  At least to my ears, and apparently to a whole bunch of others as well.

     Who said it was pain?  Maybe floggers or canes don't hurt some of us.  Maybe we feel it is pleasure.  i know i certainly derive a lot of pleasure from feeling Master's toys. And i don't feel like i'm getting inflicted upon. Getting a punch in the nose from a bully in a bar fight, well now, that's pain, inflicted pain that is going to hurt. (Not to mention the nasty bruising for weeks after *s*)

     And who said the sale of these devices are only meant to be used on women?  There's lots of male subs out there.  If one is going to make a point, then men have to be included here.

     And as far as "the nature of what we do"?  Again, i feel like this implies we are doing something wrong.  Something dirty and arcane, hidden and unfathomable.  i don't think i'm doing anything wrong at all.  i also don't feel i have to explain the nature of my personal business to an entire organization, just to make a donation.  The plain fact is, a large group of generous people got together and held an event which incorporated the things they like to do, so that they could raise some money to help someone else out.  Why should our 'lifestyle' have to be justified or come into play at all?  Some of us like being flogged, and some of us like doing the flogging.  And because of that, somehow the money becomes dirty?  It's all consensual.  Using the penname 'family reunion' reinforces that consensuality as well, given that i'm sure most of the attendees would prefer to give permission before being 'outted', as it were.  It's their personal business.  

     And it did feel like a family reunion, seeing all the happy and smiling faces there.  If we can refer to the participants of this lifestyle a 'community', then why not 'a family'?

     Which leads me to the last thought.  Do abused women at a shelter understand the concept of consensuality?  i'm guessing they do.  i'm guessing that they understand perfectly well that they didn't give their partner the right to break their arm, or burn their face, or do whatever other nasty things one can think of.  If they've managed to get themselves to a shelter, they are beginning to understand a lot of things.  Such as understanding they might have low self-esteem, they didn't do anything wrong, nor ask to be beaten, and that their lives may be in danger.  Even one of these reasons is a start to self-recovery.

     If any one of those women wanted to ask me why i like being flogged, i would willingly sit down with them and attempt to explain.  They might not understand in the end, but at least they'd know i have a loving Master who boosts my self esteem when it lags, and that what we do together, we do for pleasure.  And hopefully my donation helps get them to the path of finding their own happiness.

     On a totally quirky closing note; what if the charity of choice had been an animal shelter?  Would the same questions have been asked?  i doubt it, yet animals don't understand the concept of consensuality.  If we sell a dozen buggy whips, should we not donate the proceeds because these whips are used to inflict pain on horses?

     Ah well.  This isn't the first nice thing to be picked apart.  Most likely it won't be the last.   


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