"A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows."

--John Powell 


tiny pleasure:

still thrilled to have a computer again! 

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not 
born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that 
this new world is born." 

--Anais Nin 


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View










October 30, 2000

     ... continued from yesterday's post ...

i called my son. 

 Master felt i should just explain as comfortably as i could, that we were going out and here were some of the details ... and then judge from my son's response how things should be. Plus i'd talked to our friends who are going and She seemed to feel that it would be fine.  The fact that this particular venue is comprised of a large group of young goth people certainly helps.  The emphasis is not of a fet night, but rather a dance/goth night.  And my son does like the goth thing.

      So i called him up.  i explained that there was an event we wanted to go to and that he was welcome to come along, but that i needed to explain a bit about what it was.  Being the cowardly soul that i am, i started with the goth emphasis.  But we did eventually get to the part about well ... errrr ... ummm.. how does one tell one's child that they might see a body tied up to a cross?  (okay so i know he's not a child anymore ... but he's still my kid.  And yes i know he knows about this stuff already and can go see or try it anytime he likes.  But it's like the first time you have an alcoholic beverage with them.  It's just plain weird!)

      "Why would somebody be tied on a cross?" He asked.

      Sheesh.  This is not easy.

      "Because ... umm ... well because they want to be flogged."

       "Oh."  And then there's a pause and a chuckle.  i raise my eyebrow (mentally at least; only my daughter can do this and i'm infinitely jealous) We continue the conversation about who might be there and in what capacity, and how they will be from all walks of life.  He keeps going back to the idea of the dancing and young girls.  Okay, so at least i know where his head is at.  Then the topic of what he should wear came up.

      "Well, I could just wear chaps and bright red underwear ..."  He drolls in my ear.  The brat!  i nearly fell off my rocking chair.  He's much more aware than he was letting on and i suddenly realized that.   i joked back.  "Well, that's fine if you want some Domme following you around all night with a big paddle in her hands!"  He laughed and we considered the idea of cross-dressing him, until he realized that might not work as well with the girls he is hoping to see.  

      So, i am feeling better about all of this.  The venue is a mild one, age appropriate for him, and i will keep my body well covered.  Most likely i'll wear a corset and skirt type idea, which is not much different from the biker gear i used to wear.

      And i'm looking for my leather chaps for him.  To be worn with his jeans!   


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