"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons." 

--Ruth Ann Schabaker 


tiny pleasure:

sharing thoughts with my son 

"Be happy. It's one way of being wise." 



 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View










November 1, 2000


So, taking my son to a fet/goth night turned out to be a huge success. 

      We discussed the topic a bit more when he arrived on Monday, and yesterday found us out searching for not only a job (for him) but a shirt to wear with my leather pants that i was lending him.  We found a black t-shirt, and also found a pair of "pleather" pants for the bargain price of only $20.00.  (Pleather is like fake leather)  Said son was most happy with this discovery as now he has something to wear for next time and didn't really like the fit of my pants anyway.  He borrowed a pair of boots from Master, and my black suede vest and looked suitably fetish-ish.  Is that a word?  Are we starting to think i have an odd shaped child since he can wear my clothes yet his feet are the same size as Master's?     

      We arrived at the venue before the doors opened, so went down the street for a drink.  While there we regaled Master with some of the finer details of penis piercing trials and tribulations, much to His dismay.  And much to my dismay i discovered this place charged $21.00 for two glasses of wine and one rye with mix.  Robbery!  i won't rush there too often.

      Finally it was time to go back.  The outside of the building is a bit oppressive looking and the staircase leading up to the hall is quite dire.  In places, the ceiling is broken and low, and the stairs are kind of grungy looking.  However, once we got in past the wardens at the door (who looked us up in down, making sure we didn't look too straight) we entered a really large room that while still done up in a dark theme, was actually very nice.  Lots of seating was available, surrounding a big dance area.  We soon learned this was the area where most of the goth-lings would be.  Going up another short staircase brought us to yet another room about half the size of the first one, where "people-just-like-us" were.  This is also where we found our friends.

      Since it was Halloween, the costumes were particularly outlandish and very, very excellent.  i had a great time indulging my voyeurism.  my son was very impressed with all the cute young girls, frequently making comments.  i was coerced into going back to the dance area with him, to watch the dancers for a bit.  Lord only knows what people thought seeing the two of us together.  Perhaps they wondered why he brought his mother to a fet bar ... but then again they could have been wondering why an obviously older woman was hanging out with this kid!  'Course that's assuming we were even noticed.  Said son seemed to blend in quite nicely.

      At about midnight the first scene finally started, and i try not to be judgmental about these things, but it did seem to be a bit weak.  A Domme was flogging and paddling a male submissive through his leather pants, and another fellow was hovering by as a cheering section.  It was all very light and mostly talking and socializing so far as i could tell.  i was standing beside my son, watching him as well so i'd learn his reactions to what he was seeing.  And he was not impressed!  But not because of the fact that someone was being flogged, but rather because he felt the Domme was not doing it right.  "Too weak, too lame." He opined.  Huh?

      i'd had a few beers by then and was nicely loosened up.  A thought ran through my mind and i decided to go for it.  Another Dominant had been chatting with Master and when He asked if we would be scening, we explained that with my son being there, it wasn't the best idea.  "No problem," said the Dominant. "You can borrow my submissive."  Master had thanked Him but didn't intend to act on the offer.  But i'd been watching Him and it was obvious to most who knew Him, that He was itching for a flogger in His hands.  

      i spoke with the submissive (who's name is the same as mine coincidently) and i thought she was absolutely lovely and sweet.  She assured me she was definitely interested and so i suggested to Master that He should enjoy Himself.  i don't remember exact wording of the conversations.  However, next thing we all knew, Master and the submissive were up at the front of the room preparing.  i made my way back to my son.

      i don't believe it was more than two or threes smacks with the flogger on the sub's butt, when out of my son came the comments:  "Now that's the right way ... much better ... He knows how to do it."  i swear my jaw hit the ground!  And he watched the scene in its entirety, enjoying every moment of it.  

      We've talked a lot since then, about the scene and about my relationship with Master.  He admitted he knew all along how it was with me, although this was the first time he'd witnessed a scene.  And his attitude is one of "what's the big deal ... it makes you happy."  We've discussed the need for discretion and how a lot of society frowns on the concept, but as he pointed out, the fact that he is aware and accepting at his young age, is an indication of how mainstream this lifestyle is becoming.   

      And it's the coolest thing to be 'out' with my child.  Accepted and loved in any kind of package i come in. Maybe my mothering skills were a little better than i thought.      



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