"I have the greatest of all riches: that of not desiring 

--Eleonora Duse


tiny pleasure:

if and when i get my fridge 

"If your desires be endless, your cares and fears will be so, 

--Thomas Fuller


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View










December 9, 2000


 Orders from higher up - or rather, He Who Must Be Obeyed - update your journal!

      Heh.  Easy for Him to say - it takes me forever to twist my mind around an entry and then it's hours later before i'm finally finished.  And this all fits in around the ezine (another issue is  out, by the way) and the writing i never seem to get at lately, and the webpage designing and the exercise.  And , and , and ... and submissive's aren't supposed to be allowed excuses.

     Alrighty then.

     But at least i am feeling better, and i've been back to visit the Amoret Journal a few times, just to cheer myself up.   

     On the upside, FINALLY one of my webdesign's has been accepted.  i'm going to get real money! And the strangest part is this particular site was the first one i didn't stress about while trying to be creative.  i was too tired and not feeling well and had zero energy so just did the first thing that came to mind and they loved it.  Weird.     

     We get the new fridge today.  What an adventure that's been.

     A friend of ours offered us His old refrigerator, which was still in good working condition, but He wanted something larger. (Actually He wanted the bottom mount model that i liked)  His old one was a side by side, which Master had mentioned might be a good type to get, so we decided to go for it.

     It didn't work out as we'd hoped.   Our friend did deliver it, and our old fridge was very easy to remove.  The side by side however, was another story entirely.  Two men on the bottom heaving, and Master on the top pulling this really heavy appliance up extremely narrow stairs was something to see for sure.  And the walls and banister - well let's just say they need some major work now.  

     Important lesson:  do NOT put a fridge on its side if you can avoid it.  

     After cleaning and putting the food into the new fridge, and waiting the obligatory hour before plugging in, we went to bed.  The next morning Master mumbles in my ear; "the fridge is not working."  

December 10

     Okay, so it's tomorrow.  Well today i guess.  i didn't get a chance to finish the above post yesterday.

     And we are still waiting on the fridge to arrive.

     To continue:  Thursday, when Master mumbled about the fridge from our buddy wasn't working, i tried raising the settings.  By noon it was pretty obvious that this solution wasn't working, so we called a repairman. Friday morning he arrived, did a thorough check and discovered the compressor (i think that was the part) was overheating really badly.  i'm not positive of exactly what was wrong, but it had something to do with the oil from the motor backing up into coils and freone and it's not supposed to do that.  And the fridge was overheating to the point of becoming a fire hazard.  The fellow cut the cord so the machine couldn't be plugged in anymore.

     Soooooo ... Master is out the door to work and i'm given instructions to buy a fridge.  You have to know which one i went for.  i called the company, spent 15 minutes on the phone begging for them to sell me the floor model so that i wouldn't have to wait till Wednesday for delivery, and got two hundred dollars off the sale price.  And they promised next day delivery!  i'm feeling pretty good about the whole thing by now.  Fridge i've always wanted - and next day delivery.  i'm rockin!

     Yesterday, we make sure we are here for the designated 3-hour window of potential delivery time.  We stripped down the walls of anything that can get broken, cleared out the hallway and the house looks like a bomb hit it.  We settled in and waited.

     And waited.  And waited some more.  Into the fourth hour, i called.  i'm told the delivery fellows couldn't find the fridge in the warehouse.  Huh?  And i'm told no delivery till at least Tuesday.  Now i'm getting ticked.  i ask the fellow where my incentive is to purchase the floor model then, when i am not getting it delivered until the same day i would have received a brand new model?  Management gets in on things.

     This morning i receive a phone call.  They still can't deliver until Tuesday, but are going to write off the delivery fee and give me a $50.00 rebate.  Again i tell them this is not acceptable.  It's costing nearly that much to eat out every day. And i can bargain shop at other stores since i have to wait anyway. (Which i proceed to do once i'm off the phone.)

     At two o'clock today i receive yet another call.  They've found someone to deliver the fridge and it should be here within the hour.  At four o'clock i phone back.  Now it's to be somewhere around six thirty.  Do i believe this?  

     i'll let you know.  i just hope this dream fridge will be worth it :(



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