"If you can't write your idea on the back of my calling card, 
you don't have a clear idea."

--David Belasco


tiny pleasure:

night creatures 

"I love the challenge of starting at zero every day and 
seeing how much I can accomplish."

--Martha Stewart


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View










December 12, 2000


Okay.  So the dream fridge is perfect!  i really, really like it.  And having ice cubes again is a  treat.

     i've developed a compulsion for going into the kitchen and opening the freezer door - just to have a peek and re-confirm that the bacon did indeed freeze! Then i have to open the top door so i get the view of the see-through crispers.  

     i know.  i'm losing my brain.  A refrigerator war was not exactly something i thought i'd ever have to deal with though.  

     Still.  It's a perfect refrigerator :)

     i'm drawing a blank on intelligent things to say today.  i hate when i'm like this.  i've got a lot of projects on the go yet i can't get my mind to settle long enough to get them done. And Christmas shopping is still a few brain cells away.  

     One thing that has been drifting through my mind however, was the request i received from Master (or was that an order?) to describe what it feels like to be woken up in the middle of the night to the sting of one of the mini-floggers.

     Well quite frankly, i love it.  He has a selection of very small floggers that He uses as warm up tools.  And every once in awhile i will wake up to the feel of the blanket being pushed away from my shoulder and then there's the snap as the leather grazes my skin.  

     i'm groggy, yet instantly aroused and feeling very hmmm ... overtaken, possessed, needed and wanted.  my defenses are down - which is especially good if i've been through a few stressful days or feeling prickly at all.  my mind is clear from the day to day things that sometimes get in the way.

     i think what appeals to me the most however, is the spontaneity of it.  No warning, no prep time - just bang! there He is and i'm at His mercy and haven't a clue what is to come next.  That's perfect.  Although there's nothing i like more than a great scene, there's always an element of prep time - mental adjustment - that comes first.  i don't get that chance in the middle of the night while being woken from a deep sleep.

     And there is something about my body heat mixing with His; those first few moments upon waking when it's all toasty under the blankets.  my body seems hyper aware then and the nip of the flogger even more delicious.  

     It's like those dreams that we sometimes have, that the next day you would swear really happened?  my mind stays that way - my eyes usually remain closed and i don't feel like i'm awake, yet i'm having an incredibly seductive dream that i can really feel.  

     It goes on for as long as it should, and then i'm cocooned by His long body, usually with His hand curled around my neck.  Hours later, when i re-awaken, i wonder if it was but a dream.  

     That's how it feels.



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