"It does not always pay to have a golden tongue unless one 
has the ability to hold it."

--Paul Johnson


tiny pleasure:

sunshine in the city 

"A closed mouth gathers no feet."


 That i read

(more to follow as i get permission from journal owners)

The New Ezine:

The Dominant's View









March 21, 2001


 So i've received some gentle prodding via email to write again.  i've got a gazillion excuses when excuses don't count, yet all of them are valid.  But the main truth of the matter is i think i just hit a wall of mindlessness.  It was starting to feel like i was boring even myself with endless prattle about the same topics.  my mind just went blank about anything that felt valid to me. And my emotions were on a seesaw that i wasn't sure i wanted to share - most of them grumpy emotions.  A lot of them generated from the gentle slide away from the physical demonstrations side of my D/s life with the big guy.  Like we have had time for any!

     And the funny part of all this is i'm not evening referring to sex or scenes or any of that high-energy stuff - i'm talking about the power balance; the mind stuff that keeps my head where it should be.  Like the shift that happened when the pay cheques actually starting accumulating in my bank account which meant i now didn't have to ask Him for my $40.00 per week. (Twenty i'd use for me, the other twenty for the transit tickets to get to work)  For me, it worked better when i got the money from Him.  Being responsible for myself suddenly put me directly back into a space that i occupied for years, where i had to struggle to make ends meet and had to struggle with the responsibility that never felt comfortable.  Not that i don't want to be responsible for myself - it's just that at that point in my life i was the major decision maker and the pressure of a mate who was totally dependant (read: couldn't make a decision if his life depended on it!) was just overwhelming.  (i can hear feminists everywhere screaming right now)

     And the truth of the  matter is i'm just not very good at money management anyway.   Or perhaps a better way of putting it is that it makes me edgy and that's a feeling i'd rather not have anymore.

     The past weeks have seen many changes and lots of exhaustion.  We started the renovations to the main floor of the house and it seems each night we barely have energy left to crawl into bed.  Most of the time i've been bringing the collar into bed and giving it to Himself, instead of our kneeling routine, and to be honest it's just as pleasant.  We get to snuggle under the blankets and still have the quiet moment.  But other than my usual two handed serving and etc., that's been the extent of our outward expressions of D/s.  And that's made me edgy.

     Finally last week i mentioned to Master that i'd like to at least wear the day cuffs to help put my head where it needs to be.  We haven't even had a scene in over 5 weeks!  i'm beginning to pace.  So Friday night, when we took some friends to our favourite bar around the corner, He brought them along and had me wear them.  And so far He has not instructed me to remove them.  To the vanilla eye, it looks like i'm wearing a bracelet - and i'm assuming He'll fasten them to both wrists as He sees fit.  He did exactly that at the munch we went to last night. So in a funny, obscure way, wearing them puts me in a good place - perhaps because there's always the 'potential' for a spontaneous moment.  

     i think He understood my need though.  Saturday we had a lot of people here helping to tear the walls down on the main floor (a dirty job by the way!) and He started my day off perfectly by grabbing a handful of my hair gently and telling me to kneel.  He then pulled my head against His tummy and whispered "have a good day".  Heh.  i floated through it after that.  

     i understand perfectly that He can't always be 'on' when it comes to our D/s interaction and yes, that the power exchange doesn't go away even when we aren't indulging in demonstrations of it - but i am also aware of how easy it is to become complacent and to stop working at a relationship.  Lord knows i've lived through enough failed ones.

     So in reality - even though we are so busy it's nearly ridiculous, that's still no excuse for being lax about what's really important.  And what's important is 'us'.

     Okay.  Gone again to the sea of plaster dust.


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