26, 2001
Sometimes i feel like i'm forcing my head
to find what it is i should, or need to, talk about.
And more often than not said head is just plain
empty. Too frustrating.
i need to rethink
the direction i want to go in with this journal.
Well, at least i think i do. my original idea was a
description of my submissive life as i explore it -
something to share with others who may be experiencing the
same things. i believe i've been consistent with that
idea, even though some details of my vanilla activities
are blended in. But still, i try to describe what my
life as a woman who has a submissive personality is really
like. And it's not about being a doormat.
So. i've
tried. And i continue to be constantly
disappointed when i see yet another discussion or opinion
that expresses the belief that all D/s and/or BDSM is just
about kinky sex.
i read stories
(both real and fictional) that describe graphically
detailed sexual exploits and then toss in a few words like
'master' or 'beg', assuming this qualifies as a
representation of the lifestyle. What about the mind
stuff? i'm not saying that the lifestyle is only
about emotions and personality - it certainly can be, and
usually is - a nice blend of both the physical and the
intellectual. But what happens outside of the bed
sheets? What happens when the mind is willing but
the body is just too tired and old? It's a lovely
dream to still be having sex at the age of eighty - but
i'm thinking there will be more energy put into just
getting out of the bed in the morning. Maybe all
i'll be able to do is a two handed serve of the breakfast
tea. No kinky sex there - but i'll still be
submissive. Where are the stories like that?
i get tired of
reading 'oh my perfect Master' prose. He's not
perfect! He puts his pants on one leg at a time,
just like all the rest of us!
i really don't
need to know how many orifices said perfect Master stuck
his organ in this time. For some of us, that's not
what D/s is about. Yet this is the bulk of what i
find when i search for literature. And why is it
that only the websites that focus on the titillation
factor get all the traffic?
i know
about sex. i even like it - a lot. Kinky
or vanilla or both ways at the same time even. i
don't need to read it all the time. Tell me
what's going on in your head instead. That's tons
more interesting.
Make me think
damnit! Don't people want to think anymore?
And it's not just
the constant focus on sex that's frustrating me. i posted
a message on a mailing list. It was my turn to
contribute - to start a new thread. i decided the
topic should be something that i'm directly experiencing
right now. It reads as follows:
" ... actually, there was something i was discussing with Master last night that
perhaps i'd get more help with here since discussing a submissive issue
with a Dominant doesn't *always* produce answers - although it was
interesting to discover that He suffers the same thing as me sometimes -
and that is the feeling of having hit a plateau (He gets it more often from
His line of work however)
As i explained to Him, i've known for years and years that i liked getting
spanked and tied up and all that fun stuff, plus known that i function much
better with a dominant personality guiding me. And then i discovered that
this *need* had a name and so there was all the time spent doing the
*firsts* - first munch, first play party, first debate on SSC - heh! first
flogging! (yummmm)
And at first, as with all new things, it seemed like the discoveries were
Yet now, even though i'm in the most satisfying relationship i've ever had,
it seems like i've hit a submissive plateau. Maybe it's simply that the
*honeymoon* stage is over and luckily we seem to have settled quite comfy
into a better stage. Or maybe it's because it seems i'm beginning to
discuss the same topics over and over. i even feel like i've hit a
stalemate with my online journal and i'm beginning to bore people.
i guess what i'm trying to say is that i feel like there should be more
roads in this lifestyle to explore, but the road just stopped. Stopped in
a good place, so i'm not complaining, but still..well.. stopped. Where do
you explore next when you get to the place you wanted to be? Do you just
sit and enjoy? Do you teach others (which means actively searching for
someone who wants to learn) Do you try out poly and risk upsetting what you
have? Do you push hard limits at the risk of physical and/or mental
health, just for the stimulation?
i'm probably thinking this to death, yet i do believe that this lifestyle
is so much more than just kinky sex. But i've had other relationships fall
apart because even though we were in a good place, we stopped exploring and
became too complacent. i don't want that happening again
And only one
person responded. It was a wonderful response
though, and made me feel good that at least one person
understood. But it also made me feel lonely at the
same time - like a social outcast because i spoke of
emotions instead of a "how many times is it normal to
have kinky sex in one week" type of topic.
i don't
know. Maybe i am the odd ball after all.
And i guess i
found something to talk about, eh? (insert best Canadian
accent, hah!)