1, 2001
And life just gets crazier.
The cabinet has been placed back beside the refrigerator
and in fact i like it there a lot. i'm glad we tried
it again - there's something about doing unusual placement
things with furniture that just appeals to me. And
Himself advocates getting 'out of the box', so there you
have it - one very red toned cabinet in a kitchen with
green walls and pine coloured cupboards. Perfect.
Now the truly frustrating part is happening though, and
that's dragging everything downstairs and finding places
for it. i thoroughly enjoy placing everything once
it's down there - i'm just horrified at the mess that's
been created upstairs.
It turned out that the cabinet made better dish storage
than food, which meant that the closet needed to be turned
into a pantry. This meant finding some type of
shelving was necessary. After a search of the house
(reluctant to spend any money if i could avoid it) i
finally discovered that the heavy wire stacking baskets
that held our clothes would fit.
One massive dumpage of clothing onto the bed ensued.
'Course that meant not being able to get into bed later
that evening, so the clothes then migrated to the living
room floor. Where they continued to live until
yesterday. Getting dressed for work each morning got
And then i decided to try Himself's idea of using the
large Persian carpet He has, in the new living room.
i wasn't at all convinced that i would like it, but He'd
been mentioning the idea for days. i couldn't *not*
try it. Of course He's now quite pleased with
Himself for being right yet again. It does add a
nice touch to the room though.
The only draw back with the idea was the fact that the old
living room got even more pulled apart when He rolled up
the carpet to bring it downstairs. And believe me,
He didn't waste any time getting it rolled up when He
heard the words; "okay, i'll try it ..." pass by
my lips.
So the confusion carries on, and will for a while yet, as
each room gets sorted and rearranged. And Himself is
handling all the changes a lot better than i expected
considering He detests change in the first place.
But i think He's really beginning to enjoy His *new*
Now if His back just holds out ...

We went to a
wedding on Saturday. Actually Himself was part of
the wedding party, and also did a reading during the
ceremony, which was very cool. However the
temperature was something like 32 or 35 Celsius (really
hot!) and the groom and male attendants wore kilts,
complete with jacket and heavy socks. And the bride
wore a dress made of seemingly millions of miles of
gorgeous silk, with a bodice that was actually a proper
corset. It was a stunning dress and she looked quite
beautiful - properly blooming like all brides seem to
do. i don't know how she survived the heat
though! i wore a long sundress that was absolutely
non-formfitting and sweltered.
It was nice to go
to a wedding again - and especially this one since Himself
had actually introduced the bride and groom to each other
a few years ago. And of course i got to see Himself
in His kilt again.
He'd dropped me
off at the house where the bride was getting ready, since
we had to be on the opposite side of the city and He had
to help out with the preparations - so driving back to get
me later would not have been convenient. i got to
watch the bride doing her makeup and getting dressed, and
then posing for the grandmother, mom and daughter
poses. It was all very cool.
So i was standing
outside watching the photographer pose them around a
beautiful arbor, when Himself arrived back, to give me a
ride to the church. i heard Him say my name, and i
turned toward His voice - and saw standing before me an
absolutely stunning, tall and elegant black man in a
Kennedy clan tartan. And for a moment i understood
what it means when they say time stood still. i've
been savouring that image ever since - it floats through
my brain like a decadent sweet treat.
There are moments
like this all through our relationship. It seems so
strange sometimes, to think that it took me this long to
really figure out how to even have a good
relationship. And i'm even beginning to trust that i
have gotten it all right finally and that this one will
actually last. i can't begin to describe how much i
want it to last forever. i really and truly want to
grow old and happy with this man and i think i'm even
starting to understand that there's a good chance He will
love me just as much when i'm old and wrinkly. That
He really does care about the inside me.

Something that
keeps floating through my brain for the past few weeks is
an incident that happened when i was not much more than
about 7 or 8. Actually i'm not positive of the exact
age anymore, just that i was very young. And i don't
even remember if i've written about this before - but it's
in my brain again, so i'm writing about it anyway.
My mother had
come into my bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed.
She hadn't turned lights on, but there was a tiny bit
showing through the doorway. She assumed i was
sleeping and reached out with her hand and gently stroked
my hair - so lightly i could just barely feel it.
And that is actually the moment that i did wake up.
i'd gotten used to trying to be as quiet as possible
though (in attempts to ward off unwelcome attention) and i
didn't move.
She continued to
stroke my hair and then started to speak very lowly.
i don't remember all that she said but i do recall that
her words were tender and essentially she was saying
things like how much she cared about me. And
then she rose to leave the room. As she did she
said; "I love you ... " and in my
childlike innocence i responded with; "i love you
too, mommy."
And then she got
i can still hear
her voice as she scolded me. "What are you
doing awake? Get back to sleep now, young
lady." A few other things that again i don't
remember, but i still feel. Then she left the room in a
huff. i cried myself back to sleep, not sure what
i'd done wrong or understanding why this would make her
Years later i'm
still not sure i understand, other than perhaps she was
embarrassed to be 'discovered' being affectionate. And as
i reflect back on my childhood in general i realize just
how much we were not taught to be affectionate.
There wasn't much hugging going on in that house. i
don't think my mother received a lot of them when she was
growing up either. And in turn i didn't hug my own
children enough.
i'm learning now
though. Himself's affectionate nature is teaching me. i intend to
try to pass along this new skill to my kids. Or at
least talk to them about it from time to time. i
understand they'll make their own mistakes in life - but
maybe this doesn't have to be one of them.

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