13, 2001
Friday the 13th.
In a past life i'd be preparing to go to the Biker's
Pub Night in Port Dover.
Now i'm waiting for my daughter to wake up so that we can
go to the AGO (Art
Gallery of Ontario.)
How did this happen?
One minute i had a dresser full of Harley t-shirts, my own
helmet and a couple of leather jackets; the next minute
i've got a closet full of pretty dresses and i know about
good wines. Is it because i'm getting older?
Or is it more likely because i'm continuing the
exploration of all the sides of janine?
It was pretty funny at work yesterday, when someone
mentioned the date and instantly the word 'bikers' rolled past my
lips. And so ensued at least a half hour's
worth of explanation of how i used to live and how i got
to be here. As i was telling some of the less sordid
details of my past, it sounded like an incredible story,
even to my ears. i mean, if i were listening to me i
think i'd probably go 'no way ... you couldn't have done
all that.' But i really did.
"So your ex was a biker?"
"Yes ... well the second ex. Not the first
one. But that's not who i'm talking about. i
mean the other ex ... the ex-boyfriend who's now the
president of a certain chapter of bikers in a certain area
of the country ... "
Eyebrows raise.
They look at my proper office clothing.
"YOU were into bikes?"
i grin. "Yes. And the men who rode
them." One girl blushes and is obviously way
intrigued - i'd hazard a guess at slightly sexually
intrigued. It's pretty obvious she'd like to meet a
bad boy.
i continue on to explain that yes, i've been to several of
the Port Dover events and that they'd been a lot of
fun. Yes i was married to a biker. Yes i was
into the biking 'scene' for a long time and still admire
the well placed curves of a vintage Harley. And no,
he wasn't the father of my children (they asked if the
kids had motorcycles too) - the father of my children was
the building inspector. That my mother wanted me to
marry. (Well okay, back then i thought it was a
great idea too and he was kinda cute.)
And no i wasn't involved in some of the darker sides of
the biking lifestyle - well, not any i'm willing to admit
to in this rather proper office of women. Do they
really need to know i lived with a drug dealer?
(That wasn't the biker ex, by the way.) Do they
really need to know that i understood the concept of
walking a few feet behind - in fact enjoyed it - but in my
feistier moments would holler "how y'all like me
now!" and toss a stocking covered leg over the seat
of the bike, giving a clear view to all who wished to see
what was under the leather mini i wore.
And now i live with a black actor that i met over the
internet. Hah! And i'm not dead contrary to
popular belief that meeting someone online is an instant
invitation to your own funeral. Even if He is pretty
scary looking with a crop in His hands.
i very carefully left out the information that i like
getting spanked - and flogged - and tied up - and ... and
"what-it-is-that-we-do." And that i call
Him Master. That i love calling Him Master. Or
Himself. Or the Big Guy.
That i love having a Master.
And i left out that i'd traveled before doing any of the
above - living in a third world country with no toilets
that flushed. A place that i never wanted to
Left out the abuse of my childhood and the self abuse to
my body from booze and cocaine and too many packs of
cigarettes. Left out all the mixed up emotions and
insecurities and confusing issues.
my life in the retelling seems a bit too overdone to be
believed. Yet there it is and it all really
And now? Now i'm getting ready to take my daughter
to the gallery to view the art of men done hundreds of
years ago. Who's lives were probably just as mixed
up as mine. Or maybe even more so.
i'll never be as significant as those artists. But i
can still write the chapters of my life. Maybe when
i'm gone someone will want to read them.
PS: i still have my helmet ...

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