15, 2001
my friend N sent me an email. And in that email she
bared a bit of her soul. i cannot describe how
touched i felt by it, and the strange part was i got the
sense that she was a bit embarrassed about it all.
She apologized for writing feelings that she thought might
hurt me. And she was so wrong. They didn't hurt me
at all. In fact, i just wanted to go back to the
city we used to share and give her the biggest hug that i
It's so strange how we perceive one another
sometimes. She thought perhaps i drifted away from
her because of her body image anxieties - that because of
her 'look' she wouldn't fit into my new lifestyle. i
can only imagine how much that must have hurt her.
And i cannot begin to stress how very wrong that
i didn't drift away from her because of that. In
fact i didn't even drift away intentionally. i just
slipped down into a personal abyss that i couldn't get out
of for a long while - not really a depression though,
since i'm not really a depressed sort of person. i
think it was more a period of trying to settle for what i
had in life; tried to settle into the belief that i was
lucky and that i would be greedy to admit that i was not
happy in this outward appearance of being well taken care
of. That i should be grateful since so many envied
me and envied what i had.
And all i felt was a sense of drowning. Of being
hugely oppressed. i tried to convince myself that if
i didn't look outside the front door, then it would be
okay. i wouldn't miss what i wasn't
But i knew "it" was out there. So was it
really fate that brought a computer into my life, which
ultimately allowed me to look 'out there' for what i
needed, from what i thought was the safety of my own
home? Or was it the force of my denied personality
that couldn't hold back from where i needed to be - in
spite of the self-imposed exile?
So where am i going with all this? Well, it seems to
me that maybe N is going through the same things as me
right now. Maybe she's discovering that being skinny
or beautiful or tall or large breasted isn't really all
that important.
Maybe she's looking in the mirror and seeing the
beginnings of wrinkles and panicking like i did.
Maybe she's trying to reconcile the feelings of living
with a man who loves her naked body just the way it is;
who actually likes her without makeup and her hair not
done just so.
i know it sure confuses me and i often tell Himself He's a
strange man indeed. i mean, how can He possibly love
the look of my un-adorned eyes and my fine strands of hair
flying everywhere? My tummy that sticks out from surgeries
and babies and too much wine and my grumpy days?
And yet i know He does and it just baffles me more and
If this is what is happening to N, then i understand
completely how baffled she probably is too.
i just hope she understands that i love her just the way
she is.
i love her just the way we are.
See ya in the old folk's home, N. Bet my motorized
wheelchair goes faster than yours!

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