26, 2001
i'm always amazed when i receive email from people i don't know,
commenting about this journal. i suppose i just get so
caught up in what's in my head and getting it expressed the way
that i need to, that i forget somebody else is going to read
it. Well, i know Himself is going to, but that's
different. And sometimes i think He uses this journal as a
tool - a way to check the pulse of our relationship. i'm
fine with that.
i always experience a truly baffled delight however, when
i check my email and find words of encouragement from
someone i don't know. And it's not even because *i*
get the gift of the email. It has more to do with
the fact that there are so many nice people out
there. In a world that is
fraught with violence and just general nastiness in a lot
of different ways, it's very, very nice to know that there
are still people who try to help others.
lovely woman who shall remain named "S", was one
of these people yesterday. She sent me an email
telling me about a place on line, where you can sign up
and do work from home for them. And that was very
cool! Obviously she'd figured out i am not really
crazy about going back "out there" to work again
and offered a solution for staying at home. i was
more than just a little bit touched by her effort.
It was a really nice thing to do!
i've done a bit of investigating at the site she
sent. It may or may not be something that will work
for me, but it certainly looked like a worthwhile thing to
explore. But the important part for me, was that her
small gesture helped reinforce my belief that there's
still a lot of good people out there.

i finally did
it. i finally got brave and drew the picture of the house.
(read previous entry) It's not perfect - far from
perfect (i'll never get rich as an artist!) but i had fun
nonetheless. It's very odd that after 30 years of
not drawing, i still reverted back to what i loved best,
and that was cartooning.
What i'd failed
to mention in that previous entry however, was the why of
why i hadn't drawn in years. Or perhaps i have
before in other entries but i've forgotten which one
now. Anyway, i stopped trying to learn how to draw
when i was in my early teens (14 or 15). i had been
taking high school art classes and we lived beside an
artist. i have a piece of her work hanging in our
office as a matter of fact. i liked drawing so much
that i wanted to go to George Brown College and study
art. my mother was against this idea totally, and
took my existing sketches over to the artist friend who
opined that only one small piece looked even remotely
i was devastated
that my mother had done this! And embarrassed.
And mortified and all those other teenage angst things
that happen. i put down my pencil and that was
that. my insecurities won out.
And when i related all
this back to Himself that day of the shoe-drawing, He
assigned the task. Gently of course, and without
pressure. And not even a time limit. But i now
had ownership of said task.
So this past
Friday, Himself had gone to teach a class and my son was
hogging the computers ... and the street looked relatively
deserted. i decided to grab the opportunity and try
doing it. Pad of paper and art pencils in hand (both
of which felt vaguely familiar yet intimidating) i went
over to the opposite side of our street and plunked myself
down on the curb. i hadn't bothered to tell anybody
i was doing this.
About a half hour
later, my son poked his head out the door and hollered
"what are you doing?" He came over to
investigate, and asked me why i was doing this. i
was appropriately evasive - i didn't want to get into the
whole story of why i was drawing the house. i did
comment that i should have brought a chair with me, to
which he responded that i already looked silly enough and
he left to take over the computers again. Years ago
that would have been enough to discourage me - make me
feel stupid - and i'd have quit. Now i just chuckled
and thought "some day he'll need to explore himself
... "
Another half hour
or so later, Himself came out the front door. A
rather tall and good looking and nearly bald
Himself. It always feels like i'm with someone else
for a few days after He gets a haircut. If one can
call it a haircut, when there's nothing left on His head!
But He wore a
huge smile on His face when He asked what i was
doing. i'm sure He'd figured it out already.
He strolled over to me and i held up the results. We
both agreed it did look cartoon-ish (i'm not good with
three dimensional things) but it was the house
i've been looking
at the drawing off and on ever since, moving it to
different places in the house so i'll notice it when i
walk by. i'm kind of proud of me. Not because
i did such a bang up job of it - like i said before, we'll
never get rich on my artistic talent. i guess i'm
proud of me because i did it.
And it doesn't
feel like i just drew "the house." i drew our
i drew a piece of
my heart.
Himself is a
pretty smart man.

PS: i finally got another issue of
the ezine up!
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