29, 2001
Well, it took nearly two years, but all my personal
identification is finally switched back to my proper name
and address. my driver's license, my health card,
bank accounts and etc. No more having to explain
that no, that is not my name - it just used to be and
please don't call me that anymore. And now there's
absolutely no more ties to any old addresses.
i officially live here - my driver's license says
so! And i did draw the picture of the house.
It was pretty
interesting yesterday, getting the health card changed
over. i guess it's typical of a large city that
being highly organized because of the large volume of
people is important - but it sure felt like i was being
First there was a
long line waiting at the reception desk
i nearly changed my mind right then, thinking that perhaps
early in the morning would be a better time. But the
line seemed to be moving quickly, and Himself had spent a
half hour driving me there - so i decided to go for it.
i hate how they have those twisting dividers that you have
to walk through. i always feel really dorky walking
through them - up one side, turn, walk back down the next
one - and on and on. But finally i did get to the
end of the line and it did move fairly
It was interesting watching the reaction of the
receptionist when, after her request for my marriage
certificate, i emphatically stated i didn't have a clue
where such a document was - that it was probably long ago
in the garbage by now. Luckily, it turned out i
didn't need it.
So, i was handed a teeny slip of paper with a number on
it, plus a larger form to fill out (no pen provided) and
sent down a very long and twisting hallway, with the
instructions of "watch the monitor for your
When i got to the end of the hall, i entered a much larger
room than the first one, found a seat and looked for said
monitor. Turns out there were a whole bunch of them
- fastened very high up on the wall. There was also
a lot of numbered booths were employees struggled to
understand a gazillion different accents as people tried
to explain their needs. i still had the chance to
leave, but because there were only 20 numbers ahead of
mine, i decided to risk the wait.
So i waited.
And waited. i wasn't overly bored though, since one
of my favourite pastimes is people watching. In this
multicultural city, there's a lot for me to
Finally the monitor pinged and my number came up.
Off i went to find the assigned booth. An older
woman, obviously a bit jaded from the daily grind of
things, greeted me with a 'what do you need'. i was
determinedly cheerful. My response; "i want to
get rid of that ..." said in such a way as to sound
horrified, brought a grin to her face. She wasn't
wearing a wedding ring either.
Forms filled out, it was time for "the
picture". i always hate that part, and as per
usual the resulting photo looked more like a mug shot than
anything else. One nice thing though, was that if
you really hated it, they were willing to try again.
We didn't bother - she said; "sorry honey, you're
just too white! I don't think we can get it any
better." And we both laughed then.
By the time i left, i think she was in a much more
lighthearted mood. And i felt good too, knowing that
i helped make her day just a little bit better.
It's amazing what a smile can do. :)

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