6, 2001
And i'm supposed to like working ... why???
i'm just plain exhausted - trying to keep up with
everything and trying to take care of all the other things
that didn't get done in the past few months because the
person who was supposed to do the work ... didn't like the
work. So now it's a mad dash to try to catch up.
And a job interview i went on last week didn't go
well. The final report back from them was that i was
not confident enough. Sheesh. So who isn't
nervous in an interview? i know i didn't stand up
and rah, rah, sis boom bah myself - but i've got the
credentials! Read my (bad word) resume people!
Do you want a cheerleader who's stuck on herself or
somebody who bloody well knows, and can do, the
work? In fact, knows more than what the job was
asking for in the first place! That's two of them
now - same type of work and same sort of response.
Because i won't adhere to braggadocio, i'm somehow found
deficient. What a wank.
One thing i mentioned to Himself last night though - of
all the job interviews i've had, i've never had a bad
report from the male hiring personnel (and no it's not
because of a stunning figure sort of thing - i don't have
one of those). It just seems like men ask more
realistic questions. Like "can you do the
job?" instead of "tell me about the last
time you had a quarrel with a co-worker ... "
Huh? Well first of all you want me to say i'm
bitchy? Then, answer it in the way you want to hear
it? How the heck am i supposed to know the right
"Well, my co-worker was having a bad day and was a
bit tense. i just did a lot of compassionate
listening." That would be a good answer for the
loving and motherly female. But i've only met this
female for 2.5 seconds. How do i know what she's
like? Maybe she's majorly aggressive and that answer
would have her labeling me as a wuss. Maybe she
really wants to hear; "I sneered at her and left her
alone in her own misery. I had a job to do."
Sorry. i don't mean to be putting my fellow female
genitalia friends down here. But male interviewers
are just easier. A lot more pragmatic.
"Can you do the job?"
"Yes." "Why?" "It's
right there in my resume - i've got tons of
experience." "Is the money enough?"
"yes." "Good, can you start on monday?"
"yes." "Good. See you at nine
on monday."
Badda bing and done. None of this nonsense - 'what's
your expected salary range' bull. The more
definitive "this is what we can pay, take it or leave
it" approach. None of the "tell me why you are
wonderful and would fit into our karmic space"
stuff. Just nuts and bolts... here's the job, we
need it done. Perfect.
i think i'm going to look for only male interviewers in
the future.

On the upside,
Himself has been stunning. The first day He used the
switch on me before leaving for work... yesterday it was
His bare hands. And He's been giving me rides and
cooking stunning meals and tonight took me out for
dinner. It certainly makes the long hours of hectic
pace and typing, typing, typing, then dashing to every
corner of the office to do other things, a lot more
i'm looking
forward to our D/s night this week :)
After the last
few days though, i'll probably need a nap before starting.
And i was
supposed to like working... why?

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