14, 2001
i turned off the world yesterday.
i'd asked Himself for permission to plan our D/s night
this week and He agreed. And it turned out so well
that perhaps taking turns is something that should happen
more in the future in fact. Another way to share.
So yesterday i eliminated everything that i could about
what's happening in our shaken up world right now - by
making sure no radios were on, shutting the curtains
tight, and locking all the doors. Even the telephone
cooperated and didn't ring! i pushed all thoughts
firmly out of my mind and focused only on the evening i'd
i knew what i wanted to do. i wanted to have a nice
dinner with a slightly Japanese flavour to it. And
eat it while sitting on cushions at the low table from the
Korean summer bed. i was more than a little bit
worried about pulling it off successfully however.
And worried about not looking just incredibly stupid
through the whole thing. i'm happy to report that
didn't happen and the night was just very, very ... nice,
perfect, wonderful and all those other good words.
To get started, i spent most of day on a search for a good
sushi place that was easy for me to walk to, and to bring
home on the streetcar. One of the girls at work gave
me some names of places not too far away - and i also did
a search on the internet. i was very triumphant
there - not only a list of available restaurants, but also
the reviews on them. All 24 printed out pages!
Good thing the boss wasn't around.
Finally i decided to try out a place that had just
recently opened in the building close by. my theory
was that because they were new, they'd still be in the
"give them quality, impress them" mode - and i'm
happy to report my theory was right. For less than
$30.00 i had a generous sized tray of sushi, so nicely
presented in the container that i left them in there for
our dinner. They even threw in 5 sets of
chopsticks. Maybe two people aren't supposed to eat
that much?
Himself was sitting downstairs reading when i finally
arrived home. i felt a bit awkward at first - i'm
not used to being the one to do the directing and telling
someone who's position in our relationship is "top of
the food chain" just what He's supposed to be doing,
was very weird. But He was very cool about the whole
thing and i swear was trying really hard not to show His
amusement. i knew that He was amused though -
i sometimes think that's one of the best things about
us. We often try not to take ourselves too
Anyway, after some time to unwind from the day, i
proceeded to get cleaned up. i had a quick shower,
applied fresh makeup (i contemplated the total geisha look
but decided i didn't have enough knowledge to pull it
off), and twisted my hair into a French roll, which is
something He likes. i then put on a waist cincher
(one of the first pieces He'd bought for me), a black
pushup bra, stockings, and a robe. i gathered up a
few more things i wanted and went downstairs. And
asked Him nicely to please go upstairs until dinner was
Earlier in the day i'd asked Him to buy some sake for the
meal, and it was on the counter. i proceeded to set
the table the way i'd pictured it in my mind all day - two
straw placemats, the sake glasses and decanter, candles
nestled beside the large vase of sunflowers. i lit
candles in other corners of the room as well and dimmed
the lights. i also placed a small switch and an obsidian
knife on the table, close to where His hand would be in
case He chose to use them.
What i liked the best however, was how i displayed the
napkins. i placed them in the black napkin rings,
then attached each end of the day cuffs to the rings, so
that they were joined. It looked very excellent.
Next was the hard part - getting all the food prepared and
timed just right. While i'd been showering i'd had
some tiny chicken drumettes (actually the base part of
chicken wings) baking in the oven. i was very
worried they wouldn't suit the meal or not turn out
properly, but somebody was smiling on me it seems - since
they were perfect.
So while i checked on them and waited for them to finish
cooking, i did the rest of the preparations - opening up a
bottle of wine to breathe, getting out the dishes i wanted
to use, and finding the ingredients i needed in order to
make a light soup.
i was really nervous about preparing a soup. i
figured if i was going to mess up anywhere it was going to
be this, especially since i hadn't tried to do it
before. But it didn't mess up. The light
ginger/garlic broth turned out really well. i added
a touch of spring onions and created it into egg drop
soup. All of this was done at the very last minute.
Along with warming the sake.
i quickly changed from my robe into a kimono and took off
my shoes. Music chosen, everything ready, i called Himself
down. He changed into the silk top i'd asked Him to
wear and looked perfect. i asked Him to sit down at
the table, where i'd placed a bowl of warm water, and had
Him dip His fingers in the bowl. Then i dried His
hands for Him, and took the bowl away. i asked if He
would like some sake, which He did, and this was the only
point where my hands were a bit shaky, and i spilled just
a drop. i was a bit more nervous than i thought i
would be.
Next i served the soup. i think this is when the ice
was broken, as we had a bit of a chuckle over me settling
into a comfortable position on the cushion. How do they
sit so long in a kneeling position? We decided to
opt for being Canadian and just getting comfortable.
And the soup was very ... good! i think i impressed
even me this time :)
done, i removed the bowls and we munched on the chicken
drumettes. And even they were good! i was on a
roll - all my nervousness just drifted away. We
spent time chatting. Taking our time in between food
courses. Light talk - nothing heavy and sometimes
not even talking at all. In one way it felt strange,
like we had nothing to say to each other, but i think it
was more just a need to share the space. And sharing
that space was speaking volumes. i think we were
'hearing' each other perfectly.
Finally it was time for the sushi. i asked Himself
if He minded that i leave it in the container since it
looked so nice and He was fine with that. He
generally likes to use His nice dishes to present food but
even He agreed the restaurant had done a lovely job.
And it was delicious! i think if we do this again
i'll take it out of the fridge a bit sooner though - i'm
more used to sushi being room temperature. But as He
pointed out it's hard to time things properly at home,
when you are serving raw fish.
We couldn't eat it all. We tried! But finally
gave up, groaning a bit as we adjusted our bodies back
from the table. Himself pulled up onto the couch and
i remained on the floor and we had some wine. We
talked some more. We spent almost two hours at this
meal. It was so very, very perfect.
He suggested we take our glasses and go upstairs. We
spent a companionable half hour or so reading our email
before bed, then shut off the computers. Everything
was so relaxed that when i think back on it now, it's like
remembering in slow motion. Every minute savoured.
i knelt beside the bed, keeping the cincher and lace bra
on. i'd removed the stockings during dinner, but
explained to Him that the 8 o'clock rule didn't apply
(removing bras then) because this bra was deemed 'fet
wear' for the night. He'd chuckled at that.
He'd sat on the edge of the bed and pulled my now-loosened
hair back so that my face was raised to Him, and placed
the leather collar around my neck. And so it
A different sort of scene. More sensual this time,
but also more intense in sensation. In fact, i'd
have to say that this scene was all about sensation rather
than control. i think the dinner and the shared time
had already established the control - even though i
orchestrated how things would be, the emphasis was on the
fact that i was allowed to do so. It seemed to shift
us perfectly into the places we both prefer to be - me
soft and compliant, and Himself assertive and warm.
Hard concepts to describe, but i think anyone of
like-mindedness would have recognized the dynamics
He used stingy little floggers on my breasts, pulling them
out from the cups of the bra to sit higher and more
accessible. He used the same toys on my back and my
butt - all while i was still kneeling. Then He bent
me forward, unlatched and removed the bra and told me to
get on the bed. i was face down and i remember
thinking i was glad i still had the cincher on. i
like how it looks on me, and gives me confidence.
All my insecurities seem to melt away and my head drifts
into the scene better.
He used a cane on me, and one other toy that i can't
recall the name of but is like a whisk broom. Even
the sound of it is like the swish of sweeping. But
the cane ... it seemed like i couldn't get enough of
it. i just wanted more and more of the sting - the
sting seemed to melt into my skin sweetly - like ice cream
would over my tongue. And then we were making love
and i wanted to be His slut - the slut He always wants me
to be then - and i spoke words i don't usually say.
It felt like we were inhaling each other.
We woke up this morning curled together. We made
love again and then lay quietly, His hand curled around my
neck. i asked Him if He had enjoyed last night and
He said yes, very much. i asked which parts were
best. He said He liked the fact that i'd planned
things out so carefully, deciding what i wanted to do and
following it through.
And He liked the way i raised my butt to His cane.

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