21, 2001
Seven days since my last post and i'm still trying to mull
over in my mind all the events that happened on the 11th
day of this month. And trying to get along ...
maintain some sense of normalcy while the rest of the
world decides what is going to happen next.
Call me an innocent - but the best i can come up
with in response is; "i don't understand ... "
i don't understand the passions that enable horrible
things to happen - bombs and murder and suicide and
retaliation - and all in the name of a various number of
unseen spiritual entities. i can't see why it's not
okay to have your spirit of choice and be left alone with
it, him, her or whatever. i guess i'm pretty naive.
i'm happy to stay that way. Social activism
overwhelms me.
Himself told me of a journalist who has been condemned
lately for not writing about 'world events'. The
journalist has been penning more personal things - today
things. Like stuff i should be writing about as well
- example: the fact that the first male child to be born
on my father's side since the birth of his first son, 48
years ago, was born the same day as his father. Did
that make sense? Okay. Trying again. my
brother and his wife just had a baby boy, born the same
day as my brother's birthday. September 9.
Very cool. And if my father were alive he'd be more
than a tad excited.
my younger brother has the family name of course, as do i
since i've reverted back to it sans divorce. But our
parentage is speculative at best, so i'm assuming that
this new baby (older brother who is clone of my father
hence no doubt to parentage) is the latest in a family
line that we thought had already ended. Everybody
kept having girls! And back in those days, a girl
did NOT keep her maiden name.
What else? Well we had to send the cat to live with
my son. Apparently the stress of hovering felines at
every available window got the best of him, and in a
territorial rage he decided to mark his territory by his
version of spraying. Which in his case was peeing,
since he'd been 'fixed' years ago. (This sounds
dangerously close to the pissing contest happening out in
the real world *sigh*) On the upside, my son lives
in a basement apartment and doesn't have a proliferation
of furry beasts at every window. The cat has calmed
down - my son has company now - Himself is not stressing -
and everybody seems happy. It's much better than the
alternative, which was to let the cat outside to fight
without claws and get smooshed by a car.
Ah. And how could i forget shimmer's visit? It
was perfect, if somewhat alcohol sodden. Heh. Who am
i kidding? We hugged and hugged, then sat down for a
long gossip while pouring ourselves into a bunch of
wine. A whole bunch of wine. Himself said it
was like witnessing two rescued victims from a desert, the
way we inhaled the first bottle of white, while the men
folk calmly observed. Then we progressed to dinner,
more gossip, and bottle of red wine. And another
bottle. We were sharing at this point though!
It was just so damn good to see each other again that i
suppose we got carried away. It might be a good idea
to either visit more often or not drink together during
our once per year visit however, since the next day i was
incapable of doing anything. In fact, i had a
hangover to beat all hangovers and then developed a red
wine migraine to finish me off. i don't ever
remember having one quite so bad. A mere sip of
water past my lips sent me reeling into the washroom. To
the point that i was getting a bit worried ... especially
since this was until 4 p.m. the next day! Going to
work wasn't even a remote possibility.
Speaking of which - the never ending temp job is going on
even longer now. They'd called me back for a few
weeks. Yesterday i got the word that they need me on
an indefinite basis ... or at least until the end of
November - but of course there's people going on maternity
soon and yadda yadda. i'm really glad i love it
But back to the recovery of wine over indulgence. i
haven't spoken to shimmer to find out how she was, but i
do know i spent a very dry week after our adventure.
Not even a sip of wine with dinner, that Himself and i
like to do. Combine that with all the rest of life,
and sleep has been difficult at best. Sometimes
being a grownup really bites. Too many nightmares
... too many things to worry about.
i think it's really interesting that now that nasty things
are happening in the world, all the dreams about my mother
are coming back. i glance down at my suddenly
growing fingernails (wishing it were my hair!) and am
instantly transported to all those hours and hours as a
child, scratching her back on demand, when all i wanted to
do was go outside to play with my friends.
So yes, all that's happening 'out there' keeps coming back
to haunt me. In spite of my best efforts to get on
with life until the next crisis ... i'm not much more
successful than the next guy. But at least i'm
i think that's healthier.

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