September 26, 2001

     So the following is my lame artistic interpretation of the house ... done in about 45 mins, outside in the hot sun, and yes i know it's cartoon-ish.  That's what i always did best.  And it has been nearly 30 years since i've tried drawing.  Gawd.  Was i ever that young?  (i might add ... i was only about 14 or 15 when i stopped drawing!)


     Okay.  So i know i won't become rich and famous as an artist.  i still had fun!

     Speaking of which.  Himself and i went to a wedding this past weekend - it was for a woman from the office who's older.. 60 actually.. and i had a great time.  We were only there for a short while since we didn't know very many people there, but just long enough to get a sense of who these people really are and how much fun they can be.  And how much they are just plain nice.  i like that.

     Anyway, yesterday this woman brought in wedding cake for everyone, with the strict instructions that the unmarried ones amongst us were to take the cake home and put it under our pillows to dream upon.  So  that's exactly what i did.  Leaving out the 'telling Himself' part.  He'd have thought i'd lost my brain.

     And i had wonky dreams.  i dreamed we were in Indonesia again but this time everything was crazy and stupid.  Very changed and not for the good; everything was dirty and i remember feeling a lot of anxiety.  Then the next thing i knew i was in some small town (not tropical) with a female child who was my responsibility somehow, and we stopped at a restaurant.  While in there i sat down beside a woman and then the waitress (or it might have just been some nosey person) who looked a lot like someone i used to know, approached the table and started scolding me.  Apparently in this dream i was bisexual and indicating my interest to the woman i'd sat down beside (who didn't have a problem with it) and the nosey person took offense to this and was kicking me out. i was getting all huffy back and righteous and that's when i woke up.  Weirdness.

     When i woke up, Himself was being all cuddly (yum! although i did end up late for work.) So i figured i could get the cake back out from under the pillow after He went back to sleep.  No such luck.  When i returned to the room about an hour later, He was curled up tight under the blankets, happily snoring away with His head on my pillow.  Right y'are then!  Off to work i went, praying this would not be the first day He decided to make the bed.  Or worse, change the sheets and find crumbs smooshed everywhere!

     He didn't.  And i was able to rescue the now-nicely-squished piece of cake when i got home, luckily still in its plastic wrapper.  Without Him discovering my silliness.  

     'Course then i couldn't resist telling Him all about it over dinner.  Heh.  




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"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."
--Elbert Hubbard


"The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."  --Chinese proverb

Happiness Scale:

1 - 10

(the scale runs 1 - 10 ... 10 being the highpoint (go figure!)

today = 9

it still feels weird to admit to being happy when the world is so turned upside down 

