29, 2001
i've got another job interview. i am so not looking
forward to it - in fact i'm feeling discouraged already
and out of my league since it's for a rather large company
and i'll be interviewed by a young and vibrant female
who's in the first blush of her career. i just want
something solid and dependable, with med benefits, that i
can stay at for the next 20 years! Why does it feel
like i should be opting for the dusty old office at the
corner of the residential neighbourhood
Do i really want to be still working when i'm 65?

So in a perfect
world i sometimes mess up. And when i do, i usually
go right to the top of the heap of mess ups. It's
been a long week. That's my excuse and i'm sticking
to it.
Yesterday during
all the turmoil of finding out that my friend j fanangled
a job interview for me and the many phone calls involved
to have Himself email a resume to her for me (amazing how
email communication is still dependant on the age old
telephone - course all this phoning just underlined the
fact that i really need a cell phone now), my lunch date
called with the bad news that she was running really
late. We had to cancel our sushi appointment.
Alternative arrangements were made for next week though,
so that's cool.
Anyway, the rest
of the day remained as hectic as possible, most of it
spent typing French policies. Which is not always a
fun thing when one if "French-challenged" so to
speak. And it didn't help that my sleep the night
before was fraught with nightmares. (Did you know
you can actually hear loud swooshing sounds in your ears
when the martians are coming to get you? Himself had
to hold me down.) So by the time i escaped the
office and found my way home i was exhausted.
Himself had had a
fairly productive day but wasn't in the mood to be cooking
and decided we should go out for dinner. For ...
sushi. And even though i'd promised K that i would
save my appetite for it for our rescheduled lunch date,
there wasn't a chance that i was going to turn down this
opportunity, especially since it was at my favourite
restaurant. (i'm sure my appetite will be ready for
round two by monday!) So, off we went, but not
before Himself told me to bring along the day cuffs.
(Did i mention how tired i was?)
So i carried them
in my hand all the way to the restaurant, yet He didn't
ask for them. Once we were seated, i tucked them
into my purse. Then a few minutes later He asked for
them. i was suffering a mixture of being really
touched that He was doing this for me, feeling my
headspace start to float, and feeling my body just not
have enough energy to get into it very much. Not
good combinations at all.
i held out my
left wrist and as He was attaching the first links, i
asked if it would be okay if i only had one side on during
dinner. i asked nicely. i said please a lot
and there was a tone of begging in my voice - at least to
my ears there was. He declined, smiling happily at
me and saying it wasn't as much fun that way. But
the way He worded it, i could tell He meant the fun for me
... not just for Him. He was genuinely trying to do
something really nice for me - and my head just wasn't
going there. And i really need to find that space if
we are going to be doing anything in public.
Once the cuffs
were on, i stopped talking. i couldn't say
anything. i placed my hands on my lap and left them
there. i was upset that He'd ignored my
request. i was mortified that we were in a public
place where attention might be brought to me. i was
just too tired! And i kept remembering our
anniversary when He'd done the exact same thing and how
delighted i'd been. Guilt kicked in. This was
exactly what i'd been asking for when suggesting our 'd/s
nights'. i was the one that was constantly saying
that all i need is the cuffs - or a hand on my throat,
etc. to keep me in the space we both like me to be.
In a funny kind
of way, His decision to keep them on me was one of the
most dominant things He's done in a long time, and i
struggled with it hugely. It underlined the dynamics
of our D/s better than any cane or flogger ever
could. He couldn't have done anything more effective
if He'd tried - i don't think He even realized how
effective it was. And i think we've allowed too much
time to pass - it's been two months since the last time i
wore them - so we've gotten away from some of the depth of
our D/s. We've gotten away from some of the more
demanding things like total obedience in fact, so it's not
just the wearing of cuffs that i am speaking about
here. But right then, i still had to get my
head back to that spot - and in a subtle way this was
showing me in no uncertain terms that He is still
the dominant.
i got
there. It took a bit of working through, but i could
feel myself shifting back into that 'space' and the
comfort that comes along with it. In a past life i'd
have been bitchy and vocal in my insistence that i wasn't
in the mood - but that wasn't an option here. i felt
my shoulders loosen - relax - and i began talking again -
slowly, but He'd asked what was wrong and i knew then that
i had to try. i pulled the sleeves of my sweater
down over the cuffs and tucked some of the chain inside
before reaching for things - and checked to make sure no
one was watching, but i still started functioning
again. He was sweet and poured the sake for me,
which i was enormously grateful for. We started to
enjoy each other again.
i think He knew
that we weren't going to get much further last night
however. And that while i was trying, i wasn't
becoming hugely comfortable. When dinner arrived He
asked for one of my wrists and undid that one side,
wrapping the remainder of the chain around the opposite
wrist and fastening it. i thanked Him.
Genuinely grateful. And when we got home later on, i
asked if i could keep the cuffs on. i still have
them on, wrapped around my left wrist, as i type this.
i'm still feeling
bad though. i think i hurt Him a bit, and definitely
disappointed Him - especially since all He was doing was
exactly what i've been asking for. And hopefully He
was doing something that He wants more of as well.
And D/s or not, i
think it was a good demonstration of how dangerously easy
it is to lose track of the most important thing between a
couple - the dynamics of their relationship and everything
that makes it work.
So i did mess
up. But i wonder how much, and if it's really
messing up if something valuable was learned? Y'know,
living with someone is hard work ... living with them and really
concentrating on making it the best relationship possible
is even harder work. Toss in a power exchange and
it's a triple whammy. But in the end, i think it's
worth it.
Gone to
kiss the big guy ...

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