3, 2001
i survived the interview. In fact, i did so well,
that they sent me off to HR for a follow up. They
liked me a lot!
HR hated me. Yep. Another female. It
started out fairly well, even if i was left to wait 15
minutes past the scheduled appointment time, sent down two
floors, and then called back up again. But
still. We said hello, shook hands.. exchanged
pleasantries. She said it would be short, since i'd
already been interviewed by the people i'd actually be
working with and they liked me. She just wanted to
discuss my resume.
By the time we were finished, she basically had torn my
resume into little chunks of mistakes and was giving me
recommendations on what should be in there for future job
interviews. Right. Well we know where this is going
don't we? She said that had she received the resume
without the recommendations i'd already gotten from others
in the company, it would not have passed further than the
garbage. i mentioned that i'd actually presented the
resume as recommended by the previous interviewer.
She intimated that this person knew nothing.. That she was
a mere assistant.
She wasn't listening as i attempted to explain the job
positions and what i did. She shut down. She
wasn't even going to shake my hand goodbye. i stuck
my hand out and forced the issue.
This is all so nuts. i am qualified. i know i
can do this position. my resume is actually quite
good and shows a lot of diverse ability. But on the
whim of someone who isn't feeling good, and was placed
second in the hiring process instead of first which is the
norm, hence ticking her off ... i get the brunt of it?
And then i struggle with the 'what's wrong with me's'.
Or maybe it's just because i'm more used to small towns
and the way hiring is done there. This city however,
is quickly revealing its dog-eat-dog attitude. And i
don't like playing the game.
Just to polish the day off nicely, i leave the building,
my head down .. my mind flying all over the place, then turn to go back
to catch my ride. And turn the wrong
way. Fifteen minutes later i finally stop seething
long enough to realize i am way far from where i am
supposed to be. i stomp. i fume. i turn
back, watching for a payphone. Are there payphones
in this city??? Not any i can find ... which sets me off
on the tangent of not even getting with the times enough
to actually own a cell phone. How the heck do i
expect to work in a 35 story building if i don't even own
a cell phone? i stomped some more.
There was a good part to this day. Shockers.
But on Master's insistence i'd worn the 'little power
suit' that gives me confidence, even though i'd already
worn it once this week. (For the first
interview.) And apparently it looks nice on me, or
maybe it was my stomp, but there sure were a lot of men
turning to watch me in my progress. Heh. One
pissed off redhead in a pleated skirt seems to be an
interesting sight for some of them.
And when i got back to where i was supposed to be, i went
to the public washroom to brush my hair back in
place. Lo and behold, what should be resting on my
jacket but a ladybug. i was taught never to brush a
ladybug off - that if they fly away on their own, it is
good luck. So i stood there in that washroom, and
actually laughed and talked to it for a second,
waiting. And calmed.
Maybe it won't be this job. But surely there's
someone who'll be smart enough to realize i have
Bet it's a man doing the interviewing.

It's days
later. The results from the interview are in.
In fact i was subjected to a third interview and then the
reference check. And i keep going back to the above
experience in my mind and wondering if i read things all
wrong.. Was this woman genuinely trying to help? Be
sincere? Who can know? i just know i don't
want to relive it.
But i did get the
job. And it's an incredibly good job and of course
now i'm worried that i won't do well enough and they will
sack me in three months. i mean, i didn't even
realize what it was i was being interviewed for in the
first place. i "thought" it was for your
basic filing type thing - turns out i'm to be the admin
assistant for a bunch of vp's!
i got the
job. me. i went in there and told them i could
do it and they trusted what i said. i know deep down
i'm basically a good employee and i'll kill myself doing
all of it right - but it still seems pretty incredible
that i managed to make them understand that.
And call me
crazy, but i think some of the superstition things
helped. i know Himself's mother was saying a
prayer. i found a few more ladybugs and talked
nicely to them. A close friend blessed the threshold
of our front door with a loonie, carefully placed upon the
entrance and generously covered with salt. i won't
let anyone move it from it's roost. Hey. It
worked, okay?
So am i a grownup
now? i am about to have a pension plan. And i now own a cell phone, much to Himself's dismay. Scary,
scattered thoughts.

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