12, 2001
know the last entry is not accessible. i can't show
it yet since i'm afraid to jinx things. What it talks
about is directly affecting me, and my future at the
moment and, call me crazy ... or superstitious, but i'm
not willing to risk it.
Life has been upside down over easy scrambled and
insane. Interview after interview with yet more
wanky HR questions. Which i'm getting through ...
and ... i'm surviving. Men doing the interviewing
though. Bonus.
More on all this later when i find out if it's good or
bad. It's hard to describe without that

In the adventure
category ... Himself has been interested in exploring my
bi-curious, can-i-be-dominated-by-a-woman, side.
Which i've basically resisted so far. i'm not
convinced this is a place i want to go to.. or need to go
So when i found
myself being flogged by Himself while held in the arms of
a woman last week, i was more than a bit
disconcerted. Yet it was a really, really nice
It started as a
nice brunch visit. But then evolved into a major
gab-fest and extended visit. Over dinner. And
then she brought out a wonderful massage oil and worked on
my constantly stressed neck. Yum. Sometime
during the process, Himself brought out knives and ran
them over my body. And then i was kissing
It was pretty
weird. And very nice. All at the same
time. No major barriers were crossed .. just hugging
and cuddling. Himself found a few toys and used them
appropriately ... and i was allowed to keep my tummy
covered (thank gawd! .. yay and verily and all that
nonsense, but i can't get past the point of detesting my
gut). But still, it was absolutely one of the nicest
evenings we've spent in a very long time.
Yet the bottom
line was ... i trusted a woman with my well being. i
trusted her to not take advantage, but still offer hugs
and warmth. We'd talked earlier and i'd expressed
some of my insecurities... but she expressed some of hers
as well. And i wasn't asked to cross barriers.. i
was allowed to push my own ideas.... it was all just a
very positive experience.
Yes, i kissed
her. i enjoyed her for who she is. i didn't go
further than that... but i feel like we made a bond of
closeness that is unique to us. And that's
cool. i believe we reached an understanding of
appreciation for each other that transcends D/s or bdsm..
or anything else life tosses at us. i don't know if
i'd really travel down the 'bi' road yet, or ever ... but
i'm more curious now about the domination aspect. i
think it might help me get over the less attractive
residual affects of my domineering mother. Help me
understand the differences between domineering and
domination from a woman. And that might lead to
being able to trust women more. i can only hope.

i almost didn't
include the above in here. Mostly because i know
there are a few people who will read it and go 'huh? you
are kissing girls now?' And will probably be
horrified. But when Himself asked me if i was going
to write about it and i initially said no, because of the
readers, He called me on it. He basically said
something to the effect of; 'are you writing for yourself
or your readership?' Got me on that one.
If i'm going to
stay true to myself - and use this journal to really
express what's happening in my life, then i guess i have
to include all of it. If i start editing because i'm
worried about reader reactions, then it would seem like i
was editing 'me'.
And i spent too
many years doing exactly that - worrying about how people
will react to me, and worring that they will think bad of
me ... just for being who i am. i've learned to get
past a lot of that - it would not be healthy to go
backwards now. So i can't edit.
i guess it's kind
of like a movie script. Snipped away until there's
only a shell of the real story left. Suddenly that
story is boring. So maybe it's better to leave all
the bumps and blips and warts in. Then just sit back
and enjoy the show.

i love it when i find perfect quotes!
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